Get out of your financial rut 

In a few minutes a day, discover how tracking your weekly spending can help you be more intentional with your finances - and find opportunities to create awareness around your money and save more.

Note from Keina: This post was originally sent via newsletter. Newsletter subscribers receive financial tips like this before anyone else. Click here to subscribe to the newsletter! If you’re reading this in the midst of 2020 you might be wondering if your financial goals are realistic or if your financial goals are worth achieving. Trust […]

Financial Habit

Two Ways To Change Your Relationship With Money

managing your finances during uncertainty

I want you to know I am here for you.  My goal is to help you remain consistent and empower and support you to be intentional with your finances even during this season. Now, more than ever is the opportunity for you to show up for yourself. Maybe you still have income coming in.Maybe you experienced […]


How to Manage Your Expenses During Uncertainty

The question my community is always asking is “How can I stop overspending? I have good intentions but often lose sight.” Society says stop buying the latte. Social media is telling you to go for a month with no spend days. Well, I don’t think either is the answer because neither addresses your mindset or […]


How to Stop Overspending

One of the things my clients worry about before working with me is what they’ll have to let go of to gain clarity and confidence with their money. They wonder if they’ll have to say no traveling, if they’ll be able to have a latte or if they’ll still be able to go to brunch […]

Financial Habit

Three Questions to Ask Before You Change Your Spending

This week increase your retirement contribution by 1%. It may not seem like much but this small action is the difference of thousands of dollars in 10, 20, or even 30 years. One of the things my clients worry about the most is whether they’ll have enough for retirement. It is something I’ve worried about […]


How to prepare for retirement

A simple habit I’ve adopted is checking my paystub at the beginning of the year. Why? Well, simply put numbers fluctuate. Whether it’s new tax laws, a raise (woot! woot!), or a change in your contributions to retirement or healthcare these are just a few of the reasons why your paycheck may fluctuate at the […]

Financial Habit

How to gain clarity with your money at the start of the year

Hopefully, you have recovered from the holidays, which is why I want to help you start preparing for the 2020 holiday season. You may be thinking Keina isn’t this a little early? We’ve got the entire year! Well, it is early but this is what financial preparation is all about. Giving yourself plenty of time […]


Three Steps to Financially Prepare for the Holidays

You may think that you need to have your money in order and understand complex concepts like compound interest and credit scores and retirement plans in order to benefit from working with a financial coach. What you really need is faith. Why faith?? Well, faith gets you to do what seems impossible. Faith helps you […]


What You Really Need Is Faith

You: I save money every month. Me: How much do you save each month? You : Well, it depends on what I have left after I pay all my bills and other expenses. I’m going to go out on a limb and say this may resonate with you because I see it with my clients […]


How to Save Consistently

If you follow me on social media, you know I talk a lot about having money dates. Today I want to let you know why. Simply put, this small habit has been a game-changer for me and my clients. Money dates were the building blocks of my personal finance story. When I graduated from college, […]

Financial Habit

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