Get out of your financial rut 

In a few minutes a day, discover how tracking your weekly spending can help you be more intentional with your finances - and find opportunities to create awareness around your money and save more.

Are you hearing the news of the stimulus and thinking it’s not enough? Or that you won’t qualify?  What if you explored giving yourself a stimulus check?  Keina, I don’t have that kind of money!   I would argue that you do have the money to provide your own stimulus check – and I want to […]


How to Create Your Own Stimulus Check

Receive Your Biggest Refund Yet. Have you seen this headline in your inbox?Whether you love or hate this time of year I want to encourage you to set a clear intention for your tax refund. Taking the time to create a plan for your refund can help you make sure your refund doesn’t just disappear. […]


How to Use Your Tax Refund

This week increase your retirement contribution by 1%. It may not seem like much but this small action is the difference of thousands of dollars in 10, 20, or even 30 years. One of the things my clients worry about the most is whether they’ll have enough for retirement. It is something I’ve worried about […]


How to prepare for retirement

Hopefully, you have recovered from the holidays, which is why I want to help you start preparing for the 2020 holiday season. You may be thinking Keina isn’t this a little early? We’ve got the entire year! Well, it is early but this is what financial preparation is all about. Giving yourself plenty of time […]


Three Steps to Financially Prepare for the Holidays

One of my favorite ways to save money is to negotiate my recurring bills. That means that, at least once a year, you’ll find me calling my cell phone carrier, my car insurance company and my cable provider to see where I’m missing out on opportunities to save. This week, I want you to do […]


The Easiest Way to Save

Did you know I have 20/20 vision? Thanks to an FSA account I contributed to and the Lasik it helped me pay for! I hope you feel a little closer to me now. When I first started working in a professional setting, I never took advantage of an FSA or HSA because I did not […]


Should I use an FSA or HSA to help me save for healthcare needs?

Guess what, Christmas is not an emergency expense so you shouldn’t be depleting your savings or charging your Christmas on credit cards. You meant to start saving for Christmas in January but didn’t get around to it – and we don’t need to live in the moment of shoulda, woulda, coulda. Let’s develop a plan […]


A Savings Plan for a Debt Free Christmas

When I ask people how they manage their money, they commonly tell me I don’t really budget as long as I have enough to pay my bills. Or they look to see if they have money to spend based on their next payday. And for most people, it seems to work. You aren’t overdrafting your […]


Do Your Dollars Have A Name?

You may think that you need to have your money in order and understand complex concepts like compound interest and credit scores and retirement plans in order to benefit from working with a financial coach. What you really need is faith. Why faith?? Well, faith gets you to do what seems impossible. Faith helps you […]


What You Really Need Is Faith

You: I save money every month. Me: How much do you save each month? You : Well, it depends on what I have left after I pay all my bills and other expenses. I’m going to go out on a limb and say this may resonate with you because I see it with my clients […]


How to Save Consistently

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