You may think that you need to have your money in order and understand complex concepts like compound interest and credit scores and retirement plans in order to benefit from working with a financial coach.
What you really need is faith.
Why faith?? Well, faith gets you to do what seems impossible. Faith helps you overcome fear. Faith helps you move beyond your own limitations.
My clients have overcome their fear of looking at their finances.
Today, I want to introduce you to a client who we’ll call Maggie who took her own leap of faith to start working with me on her finances. Because she did, she was able to start saving, pay off her credit card debt, prepare for a big move, and create a spending plan that captured her love of community, health, and self care.
I can’t wait for you to learn more about her story in the Q+A below, and see how taking a leap of faith to work with me brought her peace of mind with her money.
What were some challenges that kept you from having clarity with your money before working together?
I felt like I was in a place where I was spinning my wheels – I was trying to move forward financially but not gaining any ground.
Why did you finally decide to take action and get help with your finances?
I thought that I “had” it but I didn’t. I needed to stop whatever cycle I was in! I knew you could give me the guidance I was seeking. On top of that, I was entering a time of transition in my housing situation and job. I wanted to make sure that I minimized debt and maximized my savings going into a season with lots of unknowns.
What immediately improved for you through working together?
One of the best parts of the process of creating my budget was identifying some recurring charges on my credit card that I didn’t really need or use. Those little amounts each month, added up to hundreds of dollars! This created a mentality of thinking about other places where I was overspending or not budgeting accurately for. It was a quick, painless win!
How has your change in finances influenced other areas of our life?
I recently joked with you that “my savings is THICK and my debt is THIN”! I have a nice nest egg saved for my upcoming move and job change AND I paid in cash for a much-needed and well-deserved vacation. The peace of mind I now carry about my money has been the greatest reward.
You may read Maggie’s story and find yourself thinking that you could never get these results because your situation is so much worse. Or maybe you’re thinking you could do it on your own – at least until you have more money to invest in a coach.
But take it from Maggie, who put her own excuses and doubts aside and had faith that working with me was the right next step. Because of that, she reached her goals and finally got peace of mind around her finances.
If you’re looking for results like Maggie and want to get out of your financial rut, schedule a complimentary call today so you can find out how I can help you save more, pay off debt, and stress less about your money.
P.S. Don’t forget to schedule your free call today! We’ll spend 30 minutes talking about your finances and goals so I can learn more about you and how I can support you in your financial journey.