What would you do if you did not receive your paycheck next payday?
Well, that happened to a friend of mine about a month ago. I received a text from her telling me none of the employees at her job had been paid because there was an error in payroll – and that she wasn’t stressed about her missing paycheck because she has taken my advice and saved consistently.
This situation may not happen often but it does happen. And it may not be your employer who causes it. Maybe it’s a government shutdown. Or an unexpected leave of absence from work. Maybe you are a contractor and have not been paid for your work. Whatever the scenario, I want you to ask yourself if it happened to me, could I comfortably miss a payday and be stress-free?
If you want to answer yes to that question, you have to be financially prepared.
Financial preparation includes knowing how much money you need per month to live comfortably and how much money you need to make it if you had to live off rice and beans. Financial preparation includes having an emergency fund so that a $400 expense doesn’t put you in debt. Financial preparation means having a buffer in your account that allows you to get out of the paycheck to paycheck cycle or be at ease if the electric company accidentally charged your account twice.
If when I asked What would you do if you did not receive your paycheck next payday? your stomach dropped and immediate thoughts went to charging everything on your credit card. Or you got anxious about the thought of another overdraft and late fees. Or maybe you were left speechless. It is safe to say you need to change your relationship with money. Book a complimentary call and apply to work with me in a one-month intensive.
Let’s be clear. This isn’t about shame. This is about you taking the time to have a tough conversation with yourself as we enter the last month of 2019 and get ready for a new year ahead. The reality is you need to do something different because what you’ve been doing is not working.
All the best,