How to gain clarity with your money at the start of the year

Budgeting, Financial Habit

A simple habit I’ve adopted is checking my paystub at the beginning of the year.
Why? Well, simply put numbers fluctuate.

Whether it’s new tax laws, a raise (woot! woot!), or a change in your contributions to retirement or healthcare these are just a few of the reasons why your paycheck may fluctuate at the beginning of the year.

Today, I want you to commit to blocking out at least fifteen minutes this week to take two actions.

These simple actions will ensure that you know your numbers for 2020.

1.Check your pay stub

Your paycheck probably gets deposited each payday and you never really take the time to make sure it’s accurate. Well, that changes today. If you’ve already received your first paycheck for the year, take five minutes and check your pay stub. If you haven’t received your first paycheck, set a calendar reminder, on your first payday to check your pay stub. Notice whether your paycheck increased or decreased. Setting aside the time to look at your paystub is a great habit because it puts you in control of your money. One of my clients recently checked their pay stub and realized that their paycheck increased by $5 that’s an extra $120 a year. That is $120 you can use to save towards a goal, pay down debt, or fund a different line item in your budget.

Take Action: Put 5 minutes on your calendar this week to check your pay stub. Now, put a second reminder on your calendar to check our second pay stub of 2020 to double-check your pay for 2020.

2.Adjust your budget

Now, adjust your budget. Say, your paycheck increased by $5 a month, just like my clients, determine how you want to use that extra five dollars a month. Maybe you’ll put it towards saving for your annual Costco membership or use it to start a fund to invest. Similarly, if you’re paycheck decreased you’ll also want to go and adjust for the shift by decreasing some area of your budget so you’re not spending more than you make each month.

Take Action: Put 10 minutes on your calendar this week to adjust your budget to account for the change in your paycheck.

Building a better relationship with your money does not have to be time-consuming. Today, I’ve asked you to set aside 15 minutes to help you develop clarity around your numbers. Investing five, ten, or fifteen minutes to manage your money can be the difference you need to achieve your financial goals.

Email me at and let me know once you’ve blocked out 15 minutes to check in on your numbers for 2020.

All the best,


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