Today I’m introducing you to my client Andraea. In this episode, we dive into how she worked through the heaviness and overwhelm that people often associate with budgeting so she could take the fear out of looking at her bank account. (You’ll hear her jokingly mention that she no longer fears getting email notifications from Bank of America because of the work we did in my 1:1 partnership.)
Prior to working with me, Andraea had tried solving her money problems by going through Financial Peace University but she still found herself in a cycle that left her falling in and out of debt and with little financial confidence.
Getting support through my 1:1 partnership, allowed Andraea to get rid of a one-size-fits-all approach to create a spending plan and and design one that gave her true flexibility and control over her money. That spending plan – and the discussions in our weekly coaching calls that supported it – allowed her to pay off debt, save over $2,000, and finally feel in control of her finances.
Listen to this episode to learn:
- How Andraea maintained the tools we used in our 1:1 coaching partnership to help her be intentional about her financial decisions
- How Andraea has been able to keep her manicure routine while also saving money, and paying off over $3,000 in credit card debt
- Why Andraea thinks that having a spending plan has created more options for guilt-free purchases in her day to day routine
- All about “the financial firsts” we created from our work together like putting all of her bills on autopay, paying for Christmas gifts in cash, and paying off her credit card debt once and for all
If the one-size fits all approach to budgeting doesn’t resonate with you, you’ll want to tune into Andraea’s episode.
Listen to Andraea’s Money Files Episode
The Transcript
[00:00:00] Hello everyone. My name is Keina Newell. I’m a financial coach and I work with professional women and solopreneurs to create new possibilities with their money. If you are tuning in right now, you are joining me for money files. So welcome. Hello today, I’m joined by my client, Andrea, I am so excited to share this episode with you and Dre.
[00:00:20] And I talk about why a one size fits all approach. Doesn’t work in the importance of shifting your mindset when you want to actually change your relationship with money. And you’re looking to achieve the goals that you set for yourself, whether that’s saving more money, being able to pay down debt or being able to you just like check your bank account with ease.
[00:00:41] So you’ll definitely want to stay tuned to this. Thank you for joining me for another episode of money files. I’m here with my client, Andrea, I’m going to let her introduce herself. Thank you so much for joining me and Drea,
[00:00:54] thrilled to be here.
[00:00:55] I’m excited to chat with you cause it’s been, I mean, now we’re like one year out of you saying yes to financial coaching.
[00:01:05] So. I just want to dive right in. Tell us a little bit more about yourself and where you started when our, where you were when we actually started.
[00:01:14] Yeah. So I live in Tempe, Arizona, outside of Phoenix, been here just over two years, but the majority, I would say of my adult life in the DC area. So was working and nonprofit and doing what I feel like a lot of mid twenties to thirties.
[00:01:34] You know, do, which is living paycheck to paycheck, trying to live my life. And I always felt like I never, it was like I had a desire to do the right things with my money, but I just didn’t, it didn’t make logical sense to me. And so when I moved out here after being here for about a year, a little over a year, I was in a place where I was making decent.
[00:02:02] I started a business, a consulting business. It was doing well and, you know, felt like, okay, there’s no reason why I can’t start budgeting and really getting this right. And, you know, saving and all of that. And so I started with another, well, I will say a popular, you know, program. I started with a financial piece.
[00:02:25] My church did it. And. It worked for a little bit, but there were still some pieces that. Didn’t quite click for me. And so it jumped started me, but I knew, Hey, I know that I’m the type of person that needs accountability. So I happened to you were at the time, I think it posted in a Facebook group that I was a part of.
[00:02:48] It was in December of last year. And I felt like that was like, all right, this is, this is the step we need to make. So it literally has been a year and my mind. Miami’s situation. I’ve done a 180, so yeah.
[00:03:05] So you, you talked about doing financial peace university. So you followed, like, for those of you who don’t know about financial peace university, it’s attached to Dave Ramsey and some of the work that he does, which I feel like we talked a little bit about what that journey looked like, but what would you say.
[00:03:20] What support did you get from working with me as a financial coach that you were lacking before?
[00:03:25] Well, I think that a one size doesn’t fit all that plan. Works for, for some people I feel like that have perhaps a level of privilege. I feel like it’s also, doesn’t my biggest thing. And I think I, you know, we talked about this is that it doesn’t address mindset as much as it does.
[00:03:50] Just kind of, you know, what the right thing to do is, and ultimately it works. But for me, I knew, I know that nothing. Is sustainable for me, unless the root of the issue is addressed. And I think that one of the things we talked about early on, for me, it was about shifting, not even so much, like not even just how I think about money, but really.
[00:04:15] Just also like the whole concept of like withholding and not being able to do the things that you want to do and the sacrifice and all of that heaviness that I feel like can come with the idea of budget and stuff. And I mean, I think early on it was about a plan. Can I think there’s a difference between like a plan and a, you know, kind of.
[00:04:41] Negative connotations that can sometimes come with other, other things. Like I said, I was able to do some saving and pay some things off there, but I just knew that I feel didn’t have the tools to maintain it. So,
[00:04:56] yeah. I feel like we talked about that early on when we were working together as like that you had kind of been in the cycle of like, yeah.
[00:05:04] I get that thousand dollars and I kind of start paying off debt, but then I’m always stuck in that cycle and not being able to, to move forward and knowing like, what are the tools to get me to move forward? Because I think people that are familiar with his work it’s like save a thousand dollars, then start paying off debt.
[00:05:24] And for, I know a lot of my clients it’s like, yeah, but what happens when. I want to go on vacation. Am I allowed to like go out to eat? Can I buy clothes? What does that
[00:05:36] mean? That was it. I mean, there were, for me, I came in, you know, like I have, non-negotiables like, I be with my mails though. For 20 years, you know what I mean?
[00:05:47] Like, since I was in high school, like, it’s not like for me, that’s a, non-negotiable in my life and my self care routine. Right. So it wasn’t about, oh my goodness, you got to go. So lean and forego all of the things that you, I mean, for me, there are things that make me me. Right. I have not had to let go of it.
[00:06:08] Really anything I’ve had to say not yet, or I may be, have had to say, or it’s just made me think more logically and say, no, I say no a whole lot, but it’s because there is a something else that, that now, like I’ve been able to prioritize in essence, really evaluate my, my priorities. So I think that.
[00:06:34] Systems a lot of times don’t do that. It’s like, okay, you got to put every extra dollar that you have into paying off this credit card or whatever. And at the end of the day, I have no same results. Every single one of my credit cards was paid off. We did it all last year. Oh, it didn’t, it did not happen.
[00:06:55] And you got your nails done,
[00:07:01] you know, like
[00:07:04] you talked a little bit about some of like the ma addressing mindset. How would you say your mindset has shifted since working together?
[00:07:13] Well, like, um, I think I had just alluded to, it was, for me, it was that you’re not saying no forever, but it can be a, it’s really looking at your values and how like, does this fit into your larger goals?
[00:07:32] So if it is that, you know, I want to, I mean, I do, I, and I, I continue to do it. Like it, it makes me kind of think, well, what. Is this ultimately going to benefit. And I think one of the things I told you early on was that I can always, I can offer ways, come up with a need for something I’m really good at like, well, I need this and I need that.
[00:07:58] I need a new outfit for this. I need a, you know, but it really did make me make me reevaluate, like what is a need? And, and for example, like right now, it could be. I mean, I really, you know, I do, I need new clothes because it’s a, you know, the new season I may or may not. I’m trying to think last week I was, I mean, I’m continually kind of just going and I’m looking at what’s in my, already in that particular line item or whatever going and it just has helped me go.
[00:08:33] No, or we can wait, you know what I’m saying? Like, it’s, it’s just, it’s not that we’re saying not at all, but we’re saying we can wait. I talk about a particular time. Um, my favorite story that I always tell about you is like, when I have. Some friends in town and we were going shopping and they, we went to like a shop and they were shopping and I saw all this cute stuff and I’m like, okay, we’re not doing that.
[00:08:58] We’re not going to get it. We’re not going to get it. And I came back to you and I said, well, what is, I’m not gonna be able to do that all the time. Like what about when I go out of town? You know? Cause what I kept saying in that moment was Andrea, you live here so you can always come back and get. And I’m like, oh, what am I going to do when that’s not the case?
[00:09:16] When I can’t tell myself that. And you were, you basically said, that’s the thing. You’ll actually have the money. When those times come up. You know, when I do go out of town, the money will be there and you can get the thing. And I was like, that was really the thing that it clicked for me. I was like, whoa.
[00:09:33] So you’re not saying I can never buy jewelry. You’re just saying. I mean, you can buy a $20 jewelry now because you got $20 and your whatever, or you can buy $150 jewelry later. Cause you saved that much for it. Or you can buy $20 jewelry now. And keep saving and keep saving and keep saving it. You know what I mean?
[00:09:56] Like there’s just options, but I feel like I’ve not had before. So of course I feel like as
[00:10:02] you’re talking about that, you know, my favorite story to tell about as an extension of that, because you did tell me, I can only tell myself so many times not right now, kina, and then I think it was like fast forward four weeks and you’re like, kina, I saw.
[00:10:18] The shirt. I can’t remember if you bought the shirt or didn’t buy the shirt, but I feel like the shirt was like $50 and it was probably what you would describe kind of like as a basic shirt and you were telling me about this whole narrative, did
[00:10:32] you end up buying the shirt? I don’t think so.
[00:10:35] I feel like you did it, but that’s what you were telling me about that you were like, it was $50 and I just decided that it wasn’t worth it, but I had the money to buy it.
[00:10:45] But at that point I had the money and I. And I know for me as a coach, I was like,
[00:10:54] wow. Oh, I do. I have lately, especially, you know, with all the sales over the holidays and stuff. I had so many things in cart. Like I will put all this stuff in a cart. And then the other day I was whittling it down and then ended up, I had family and Hannah, we did some shopping and I was like, well, guess we won’t be getting that now.
[00:11:18] You know, I spent some money over here and then I was in my head. Like I could technically make it work, but is it worth it? Not really. Like I do a lot of, is it worth it now? And I’m like, nah, it’s okay. So complete shift.
[00:11:37] I
[00:11:37] mean, how does that feel though, too? I feel like some, some people that are listening have probably never felt the feeling of. I got to buy this thing, but I don’t have to be worried about when the bill is coming due for it, or does this impact my ability to pay a bill?
[00:11:56] Yes, Lord. I’ve been, oh my gosh.
[00:11:59] That is like for the first time. I mean, this past year is the first time where I can see bank of America pop up in my email and not worry about what it’s talking about. You know what I mean? Or. You know, it’s like your account is unlike somebody messed something up. Cause I know my account is not like there’s no way that that is even a possibility.
[00:12:24] And I mean, my entire years before that, you know, you, you kind of get along, everybody knows that dropping your stomach, that you get, where you like, oh. I don’t have that anymore. I’m like, oh, okay. Right. America’s has something right. That’s on y’all that ain’t got nothing to do with nothing. Exactly.
[00:12:44] Exactly. So that’s what shift for real. And yeah. Knowing that you have the, you know, bills are, are paid, I’ve never been able to ever been able to be on auto pay for like, you know, stuff. Cause I’m always was robbing Peter to pay Paul, you know, like, okay. Well, and even, I mean, like I had a situation today where my Cate, my, uh, we canceled cable, so that’s the whole thing.
[00:13:10] Um, but my internet bill, uh, came through and I’m like, did I set it on auto pay? Did I not? And then like, I had a situation where I ended up double paying. Cause I didn’t realize I had done auto pay, but I still had it in there. You know what I mean? Like, which was just like, I was like, okay, well I’m paid for next month.
[00:13:28] And then I have to worry about, I mean, these are things like before. If I had done something like that, I would’ve been like, oh my God, like, I don’t know what I’m going to do because now something else isn’t going to get paid. I don’t have to worry about any of that. I’m really? Huh? You can breathe easy. I would say probably the biggest, like there were so many wins along the way, but this holiday season.
[00:13:56] Was the first time in my life ever that like, I can buy Christmas gifts without, I don’t know. I don’t even know. I can’t even tell you how I made stuff happen in the years past, but, you know, because we had been saving all year for holiday gifts. It was, it was so lovely to not worry about it. And this year because of I didn’t go home.
[00:14:21] So I ended up spending a little. More on, you know, gifts. Cause he couldn’t be with people, but I didn’t have to buy a plane ticket. You know, they were just big, but I had it all there. You know, like we had budgeted thinking a certain way. Like you have to buy a plane ticket home, you all of this. And I didn’t, but it was still all I could fly my mom out here to be with me.
[00:14:44] You know, they were just, just different things. Like
[00:14:47] family is important to you.
[00:14:48] So exactly. And so it was like we were able to do that. We were able to, uh, we went to Sedona for a day cause we’re in Arizona and I had vacation, you know, mommy in there, it wasn’t like a big deal. I mean, I’m not going anywhere else.
[00:15:05] So just stuff like that, but like, I don’t have to really consider, I mean, I can focus my budget all the time, but I don’t have to be worried about it. It’s more me making sure that before I make specifically, before I make significant decisions that, you know, I’m making sure that I know where I’m at. So earlier
[00:15:29] you talked about like having a heaviness.
[00:15:31] When it came to finances. And I’d imagine that like right now, when you check your numbers and the fact that one, that you can even check your numbers without that heaviness and the shame and the guilt, I think that so many people can relate to when you start to talk about money.
[00:15:50] Absolutely. Yeah. I didn’t have a family.
[00:15:53] I mean, I had a family of you buy what you want, you get what you want. You know, that was the kind of the mindset. That I grew up with. And so it was the same, same thing that, that I was basically was instilled in me like outwardly we were in doing beautifully, but who has retirements, they can go into who, who has, you know, savings that they could fall back on when things happen.
[00:16:20] Like nobody had that. And I’m like, You know, be able to say that we’re working towards those things. So
[00:16:28] what has, in terms of just, you kind of mentioning other people in your family, maybe not having retirement or right. Like we have generally the things that other people would say, oh, you have really, you have a lot of money because you have a nice car and nice clothes, but how has our work together impacted how you.
[00:16:49] Talk about money with people in your family or your friends, just like in more of your immediate circle.
[00:16:56] Yeah. I mean, I, you know, we tease about how my family especially will, um, whether it’s, Hey, somebody is getting married and we’re going to go in on a joint gift or something like that. And I, my sister will be like, don’t spend Andrea’s money before, you know, like basically, you know, she has to go all her, her, um, budget before you spend her money.
[00:17:21] I’m like, exactly, thank you very much. You know? So it’s like, they have, you know, they are understanding too and very proud. I mean, you know, when my mom talks about all the time, how proud she is of that, but they, they tease me at the same time. Like, you know, families do that. I’m very. Um, that doesn’t fit.
[00:17:41] You know, I got the whole concept of, I can justify a need from my mother for sure, because she’s always sending me Dre, you need this dream, me that, and I’m like, it doesn’t fit in my, I already spent my, I mean, it’ll be like, I already spent my makeup budget for the month or my iReady. Yeah. I don’t, that doesn’t fit in my entertainment budget.
[00:18:02] You know what I’m saying? Like, The masters did. So I, I think I’ve got an more confident as well, you know, with even, you know, kind of expressing that. So
[00:18:15] love it. So people that are listening, one of the things that I, cause I feel like one of the questions I get all the time, it’s like, well, how long does it take to actually.
[00:18:25] For things to get better or for things to change. And so someone listening to you might be like, okay, of course, it’s been a year ago that you worked with Keina. So of course you have like gotten it figured out, but when would you say for yourself, when did everything change or like, what would you, what would.
[00:18:44] Say where some of the first signs of change for you that you knew were a result of our work together?
[00:18:51] It didn’t take long at all. I mean, I think we were in more maintenance phase than anything, you know, probably after two or three months. I think the biggest thing for me, I remember the first time we met and there wasn’t going to be a point at which.
[00:19:07] We had to kind of, it was, it was one initial sacrifice. I remember where we had the kind of, I couldn’t spend anything because we were basically re without, I can’t even explain. I don’t know, to me it does this magic that I don’t know how she definite, but there was a point, you know, we first came in and then after that first I think paycheck that I got and we came back together.
[00:19:35] And I saw that I already had, we were already basically paying, we were, we were putting money in the account for bills for the next month. Wasn’t why we weren’t going like, okay. Today’s the
[00:19:53] 15th, the water
[00:19:54] bills is due. Park’s bill was due yesterday. Like we gotta make sure w or today, if the Cox bill is, it’s like now the money for the Cox real for this month, then there.
[00:20:11] And so now, you know, we’re thinking if I’m in January now, the money that. Putting in, from the paycheck that I get on Friday is for my February bills, but January bills are already accounted for. And that was, I mean, it was magical. I mean, literally I remember being like, what, how, like, yeah. And that’s the.
[00:20:34] It will be deep to me, there’ll be three, but that was, I think my, and that was like I said, probably a few weeks in. I know
[00:20:44] always, I have to tell people, I’m like, listen, I need you to trust me. And you’re probably gonna feel like you got sprayed by a fire hydrant, but I’ll have a towel for you to dry off and I’ll make sure that you are all dry, but just if you trust the process.
[00:21:00] Yeah.
[00:21:00] I promise I’ve got you. And I, I mean, it’s. I think it’s the hardest thing for people to do besides like being able to face your numbers and what you described as magic. It’s really helping people see that we can prioritize money that you have in your account and get you in a place where you can say I’m paying next month bills with a current money that I have, because so many people are in the cycle of like, okay, Let me write down a list of my bills, which if you’re listening, that is not a budget, but let me write down a list of my bills.
[00:21:34] I get paid on Friday. I got to pay these couple of people that I didn’t pay the last time they needed a little something. So they don’t buddy.
[00:21:43] And then I’m going to kind of work through whoever can get some, then, then I’ll figure out how to pay the bills based on that. And it’s like, I am. Yeah. There’s never a concern for me anymore about student is a student loan.
[00:22:00] I mean, and we’ve had to adjust, especially with like, with COVID and like higher grocery bills, perhaps, you know, but Wes transportation money, you know, um, I mean, I wasn’t four season going to get my nails done for a few months there. So we were able to readjust stuff like that. So that’s also what I like.
[00:22:21] There’s nothing that’s so static that it can’t be. But also you, so you showed me how to be able to do, do it myself too. And like, I can now go in and go, all right. Now I’m back to getting my nails done. So where, I mean, I remember you asking me the first time, like, when I’m like, I think this is going to be high.
[00:22:41] You’re like, okay. So where do you want to pull from, like, where do you, and I’m like, what, like, what are you lean like, okay. Where in essence, were you willing to essentially sacrifice or not necessarily have as much, like, we’re not putting money here cause we’re putting money here and I’m like, I mean, you know, but it’s, it’s just become, and that’s the, these are all the things that now are in my head that I’m like, okay, where are we moving money from so that you can get your nails done again?
[00:23:13] You know, it’s not a stress or a strain. It just is what it is.
[00:23:19] And I think that’s a huge, like, it’s a big shift in. Because so often the habits that we have are like, well, I’ll just spin and I’ll figure it out later. So people are reactive to whatever’s happening versus proactive. And I do remember, like, we would talk through like, Hey, what’s coming up for you in terms of expenses, because that’s the other thing is when you’re working with me, it’s not about like, yes, I want you to have a plan.
[00:23:46] But more importantly, I want you to shift your habits, how you think about money, how you manage money. And so we’re able to talk through what’s coming up and you can say, well, keen, I know I want to get my nails dazzled. So that’s, you know, going to be $120 this time or whatever it is. So it’s like, all right, well, let’s actually look at the numbers to see what we can do, because then you’re also back to what you were saying earlier.
[00:24:10] You get to ask yourself, the question is. So you get your nails, but dazzle, but then you also know where am I shifting money around that? You also know, okay. It’s not affecting my ability to pay my bills. It’s not impacting my savings. And you being comfortable with whatever those like trade-offs are. So that’s like, I mean, I think you’ve done really well in this past year and really being able to like shift how you manage and think about money, which I know is why you have those results.
[00:24:41] And, and it’s the missing piece of like that one size fits all programming because you need, you have to shift the thinking and that’s the thing that allows you to get off. And then get back on track because it’s not, I mean, if anybody who’s listening to me, if you’ve listened to me for awhile, I’ll always tell you it’s about progress, not perfection.
[00:25:01] Like I’m not perfect with my budget, but I can tell you if I overspend over here, I know what it impacts and I’m not going to be
[00:25:07] stressed. Yeah, exactly. Nope. This is the truth. I mean, surprises have happened. Like I said, I think that one month where I was like, oh my God, Ultimately, we like $300 from my, you know, from my, the cable thing.
[00:25:24] So it was like, all right, where am I? I, I think in that case, it was, where am I pulling from? And I’ll put it back like type of, well, we’re not going to spend. Anything on, Hey, we’re going to pull from hair, you know, their budget or whatever. And then, you know, so there is just that kind of thing, but I’m not having to go outside of what’s already there.
[00:25:46] I think that’s
[00:25:48] or wearing that worrying like, oh, I’m gonna have to put some else on a credit
[00:25:51] card or exactly. And you naturally
[00:25:55] start when you manage your money in a way where you are paying attention to it from week to week. Then you naturally start to also have this buffer in your account where you’re not scared of bank of America contacts you, or we’re credit union, whoever it is that you bank with.
[00:26:09] You’re not worried that if they sent you a message, at least you probably think like, oh, maybe I’ll try to actually get.
[00:26:19] That’s the truth.
[00:26:21] So I thought of this question while I was talking to you, if you had to describe the work we did together to a stranger, how would you describe our work together?
[00:26:30] I mean, I tell people all the time, there’s a miracle, a miracle. I have said, I knew it going, man. I’ve been, I mean, I’ve said it for years.
[00:26:41] Like I knew. There’s so many things because I’m very much a, um, I’m a, I thrive with structure. I am not, I am not a structured person. I’m a creative by nature. But for that reason, I knew for those that follow the Enneagram, I’m a four. And then, but so they’re successful in a one, which means like, you know, if you have a plane.
[00:27:10] Then you can file. Like if you follow a plan, you can, you can actually do well. And for me, I always said, told life if I can tackle money, like that will be the biggest miracle in my life. And then I feel like, I mean, the fact that this is. Now how I operate. I mean, people that know me that knew me, friends.
[00:27:34] I have friends that, you know, for years we would be accountable, whether it was accountability for a budget. I had a friend that helped me who is a CPA and helped me build one years ago. Like, I mean, people that see me now versus then like just what, and yet they wouldn’t. And then a lot of people wouldn’t know.
[00:27:53] And I think that’s also, what’s cool because I’ve not had the Klein dinner. You know what I mean? I’ve not had to not get my nails done. I’ve not had to do any of that stuff. So a lot of people probably don’t know that we’ve worked together just because of the fact that like, my lifestyle really hasn’t changed.
[00:28:12] You know what I mean?
[00:28:13] Cause I know people listening are like, she’s going to tell me that I can’t do fill in the blank, whatever your vice is.
[00:28:21] That’s the greatest fear. Yep.
[00:28:25] What are you looking forward to? 2021, like, what are your financial goals?
[00:28:30] Retirement is really working on retirement this year. Then you connected me with somebody that, that we actually emailed this morning.
[00:28:37] So, um, I think I did a really good job last year of working with what you know was consistent, like my, my present day, but I have long time, you know, longer-term goals want to buy a house. You know, obviously retire well. And so those, so I want to, so now it’s thinking further out than just kind of, you know, what’s in front of me,
[00:29:01] what’s the benefit that you would say you’ve gotten from working together that nobody would
[00:29:05] expect?
[00:29:06] You know, I don’t know that people expect this to be like a, it’s been an ease. It, it wasn’t, it was really, you know, they say, oh, what is the saying? Like, I mean, It wasn’t necessarily easy, but it really is pretty simple. So I think there’s like, it was, it wasn’t a complicated, there are certain things, like I said, in the, in, in an Excel spreadsheet that I don’t understand how you did it, but, um, in general it was a simple process.
[00:29:36] It wasn’t. It wasn’t like this from the standpoint of like, oh my God, you know, I don’t even know how I’m going to do it. So yeah, it was simple, I would say. And I think that might be surprising that people,
[00:29:50] I would add that like from the outside looking in, uh, one of the things that I like to always tell people is that when you get your finances in order, like things start to happen and I’ve watched you in your business, like that experience with.
[00:30:06] I feel like you took care of your personal finances and your business expanded in a way. Um, cause you started talking about retirement and it made me think about that. Cause we were talking about like, Hey, what does that look like? You paying yourself, right? Like, yes, you pay yourself as a business owner, but how do we also make sure that as you age that you have money to continue to pay yourself?
[00:30:30] Absolutely. Yup,
[00:30:32] yup. And charging appropriately.
[00:30:36] Yeah, exactly. So you can pay yourself and pay
[00:30:39] it’s in your retirement. Well, is there anything that I should’ve asked you that I didn’t ask you?
[00:30:44] No, I think we’re good. All right. Well,
[00:30:48] thank you again for joining me. I really appreciate it.
[00:30:53] Yeah, absolutely you for changing the life.
[00:30:59] I appreciate it. And thank you
[00:31:01] guys for tuning in to another conversation. I just love it that you made it to the end of this episode of money files. I hope some part of today’s story resonated with you and showed you the power of coaching today. I’m inviting you to take the first step and book a one-to-one call with me.
[00:31:19] We’ll discuss. What you’re hoping to achieve with your money, where you need support and how I can help you reach your financial goals faster than you ever could alone. Go to and book a call once again, my name is Keina and thank you again for joining me. Also stay tuned for the next episode.