Evaluating Your Mindset So You Can Feel Confident In Your Pricing

Money Files

Are you a person in position to set pricing on your own work by doing 1099 work on the side or even as a full-time solopreneur? Are you undercharging and having difficulty making the amount of money that you need to make your business sustainable and your life less anxious?

To charge the amount you need for business and financial success, you need to examine how you think about your services and start charging based on the value you provide, not necessarily for “accessibility” or “affordability” (because those are going to change based on each individual’s values anyway.)

In today’s episode, I’m going to help you evaluate your mindset around your pricing system, whether you’re about to start charging for your services, you’ve already started a side-business and need to make sure you’re actually getting a worthwhile return on investment for your time, or you’re a full-time solopreneur trying to make sure that your prices can sustain the life you want to live.

Taking the time to evaluate your mindset around your prices, understand why you price your services the way you do, and adjust your prices based on your lifestyle and financial goals will allow you to have more control over your finances and more choices for how you spend your hard-earned time and money.  

In this episode, you’ll learn…

  • [04:27] Keina’s experience of pricing for “accessibility” instead of value and how it wasn’t sustainable for her business and the life she wanted to lead
  • [07:40] How Keina thinks about the value she provides her clients (and the $2 million she’s helped them collectively save) and why it’s given her so much confidence in her pricing
  • [14:26] The questions you need to ask yourself before you decide to start charging for your services so you can show up fully for yourself and your clients
  • [19:07] How to evaluate your prices if you’re already charging for services so you can make sure your ROI is worth it
  • [28:02] How planning backwards from the amount of money you’d like to make and how you’d like to make that money will help to clarify how much your need to charge for your services

Tune in to this episode of Money Files to examine your mindset around pricing and start charging for your services in a way that serves you AND your clients.

Are you ready to start optimizing your prices and charging a sustainable amount with confidence? Apply to work with me, and let’s start working towards your financial goals.

Did you love this episode on pricing? Then check out this episode on how to determine your paycheck as an entrepreneur!


Hi and welcome to Money Files. I’m Keina Newell from Wealth Over now. I work every day with professional women and solopreneurs is to help them get out of financial overwhelm and shame so they can experience more flexibility and ease with their finances. Are you ready to gain confidence and learn to manage your finances intentionally? Tune in and grab financial tips that will help you master the way you think about and manage your finances. 

[00:00:32] Hello and welcome back to another episode of Money Files. If you are listening to this when it’s actually released, which will be the week of October 17th. I am running a free five day training in my Facebook community. So if you are on Facebook, you should join my community, go to the show notes this link there, but I am walking you through, getting to know your numbers and really helping you have a partner while you actually look at what are the things that I value, what are my goals, how do I line how I actually want to spend my money? I provide three results for all of my clients, and it’s really looking at financial control, looking at financial awareness and financial confidence. And so when you are confident and aware and in control, you are able to access every other part of your life at a higher level. And I believe that budgeting allows us to have access. So it might mean having access to a dream that you don’t even know you have quite yet. Like I have clients who have started businesses and they didn’t know that was possible until they had control of their numbers. Or on the flip side of that, I also have clients who want to buy a home or they’re getting ready to get married or they have a kid. And they do know that that’s like the next step that they want to take in their life. And so the budget gives them access to those things with ease and with anxiety. So you definitely want to hop into this group, even if you’re listening to it after the fact, the group will be there and you can go in and watch the videos. 

[00:02:08] But I want to give you the opportunity to get to know your numbers before 2023. I see so much on social media and you probably see it in your inbox. There’s 90 days left to the end of the year, and I really don’t want you guys to wait until January to start working towards your financial goals, because there are things right now that you can plan to be in control of. The one that I’m thinking of is like the holidays. Or you could just plan to be in control of your next paycheck that’s coming and feel better about your finances before November. So I am gifting that opportunity to you. So go to the link that’s in my show notes and join the community. Hop in. I’m doing a training every single day. There’s an opportunity for you to ask questions, but I really want to be there to give you what you need because I know the power of actually knowing your numbers. 

[00:02:57] So today’s episode is about pricing and so I’m going to share my own story. But like if you are someone who maybe you do 1099 work, so you’re like a 1099 contractor, so you’re able to price work for yourself. You maybe just every now and again are able to earn extra money because of some skill that you’ve monetized or maybe you’re solopreneur and you are either full time solopreneur or you’re working towards like replacing your corporate salary so you can work full time for yourself. I think that you will find this episode to be really impactful. 

[00:03:35] I’m just sharing lessons for my clients. I’m sharing lessons for myself to help you think about numbers in your business, especially if you are a woman. And I say that because generally speaking, as women, we under charge and men aren’t under charging in the same way that women are under charging. How men talk about money is just like completely different. And so our thoughts about what we are worth, and I use worth in quotation marks right now in quotes, air quotes, because you’re worth more than somebody could ever pay you. But just for lack of a better word, right now, it’s like we tend to under charge because we have thoughts about needing to prove ourselves or my accessibility or what people can afford. And so I want to give you some new thought, some new ways of thinking so you can think about how you’re pricing or how you’re earning extra income and whatever that may look like for you. 

[00:04:27] So you probably heard me share this story before, especially if you’ve been connected to me for a while. But I started my business back in 2018, in the summer of 2018, and the first price that I had in my business was $100 for a two hour session. And I remember offering that. I was like, remember having lots of thoughts about like I wanted it to be affordable and offer that price. I remember talking to someone about the price and she told me she couldn’t afford it. Then I told her, Well, I can give you a discount. So then I discounted my services to $50 and she still told me she couldn’t afford it. And now in reflecting back on that, it had nothing to do with affordability. It had to do with the value. I’m going to get into that, but not deep into the weeds of the value piece. But I just remember when I was thinking about pricing my services. I didn’t want to charge too much, I wanted it to be accessible, and I just had to generally build the belief that people were willing to pay me for the service that I was offering. 

[00:05:29] So that was kind of like the first step in my journey. I raise my prices from there, and I was still doing like a two hour session at that point in time. But what became true for me, so I had left my job completely and I was doing some like contract work. But then I was also doing my business and building my business at the same time. So what I knew was that I wanted to replace my income, so I wanted to replace my six figure salary that I had. And I started doing the math. So, like, let’s take the $100 session, right? And it was like, well, if I am going to make $100,000, how am I going to make $100,000 charging $100 at a time like the math? Did it make sense? And because the math didn’t make sense, I’m like, oh, my goodness. Like, is this sustainable for me to build a business in this way? Luckily, I got plugged in with a business coach shortly after that who helped me work on my pricing, and I had done a one off coaching session with her, and at that particular time I was doing a one month coaching container. So I’d work with people for one month and like we basically just get their budget set up. And she told me, Keina, you can be charging 1500 dollars for this. 

[00:06:38] Guys. I was shook. And I think I’d been in a business a little under a year and I’m like 1500 dollars. Who is going to pay me 1500 dollars? But she was so confident with how she talked about pricing that I just borrowed her belief. It’s like, okay, 1500 dollars. And I looked for how that could be true. And so what she helped me see was like, you are providing value that far exceeds 1500 dollars, but like what you’re doing and working 1 to 1 with clients like the value and the results that you are creating for anyone who works with you. 1500 dollars is like worth it. Like that is the price tag. So I have had to coach myself year after year after year after year on the value of my results. And so like that’s the thing that has helped me be really confident with my pricing is looking at the value of the results that I help clients create. 

[00:07:40] And I actually I was washing dishes the other day. I didn’t even need to talk about this on the podcast, but I’m thinking about it right now, and I was thinking about the fact that I worked with close to at least 100 people, and I was thinking about how much money they have saved because I have clients that go from saving $0 to saving 1200 dollars a month. I have clients that go from overdraft fees to having a minimum of $10,000 in their account each month. Right? So I’m like helping clients save. And so I was thinking about the value of helping any one of my clients save. If we talk, take all of the 100 clients and we say that they’re saving $1,000 a month. That means that they’re saving $100,000 every single month. Right. Collectively, as a group across really across the world, because I worked with people everywhere. And then if I think about that, like if they’re able to save $100,000 every single month, and then I think about, okay, if I expand that and think about in a year that my clients are saving over $1,000,000, and if I think about like, okay, well, if they do that in a year, what does that look like in two years? Okay. Well, now they saved over $2 million as a group. 

[00:09:05] So teaching them the skill to save money and be able to save consistently without tapping into their savings and to be the person that saves money like they are creating a result over and over and over and over again for themselves. And what I’ve seen for myself in looking at the value of results is that like my service and the prices that I charged and have always charged are in under charge. And you’ve probably heard me talk about, especially in client interviews, where I’ll ask people like, Have you made your money back? And they’ll say, Oh, my goodness, yes, I would offer that to you, that whatever you do in terms of pricing, when you think about or like when you think about your services and I and I tell my friends this as well, I’m thinking of one friend in particular as I’m talking to you guys right now. It’s like, think about the value that you provide. 

[00:09:58] If you help someone transform their life, what’s the value of that thing? Even if it doesn’t look like a monetary thing, what’s the value for my client? It’s like, what’s the value of being able to get, like, sleep at night where you don’t feel really anxious about your finances, right? What’s the value of knowing that you have a plan to manage your money month to month? What’s the value of being able to talk to your partner about your finances? And so I actually what’s funny is I was talking to one of my clients who’s also a friend, and I recently asked her at the time when she was working with me, I was doing a one month session and she paid me 1800 dollars. And I remember her telling me that that was expensive or maybe I thought it was expensive. Maybe she didn’t actually tell me it was expensive. 

[00:10:47] She was like, All right, you know, I’m going to pay you the 1800 dollars, but I trust you and I know you’re going to help me, like, make that $1800 back. And that’s what we did. Fast forward, we work together about two years ago, and I was asking her, I was like, Would you give me back your spreadsheet that we created if I was willing to give you 1800 dollars? And she was like, No, not at all. Because the spreadsheet that she has, it’s not even I think it’s the spreadsheet, it’s the confidence, it’s the knowing her numbers. It’s all of those pieces that she’s like that she is the thing that I live by now like that she is the thing that informs all of my decision making. 

[00:11:31] And because she worked with me like her and her husband are able to talk about finances differently. She like no longer is worried about when she needs things for her girls, if  she has the money she hasn’t been carrying around credit card debt, she’s been able to pay off her student loans. There’s been things that have broken in the house. She’s been able to fix them with ease. She recently has decided that she’s going to leave her job and start working full time for herself. So like that 1800 dollars afforded her this whole other life that she didn’t know was accessible to her. So I, like I said, invite you that if you are in a position where you’re thinking about pricing, thinking about the value of the results that you provide, because it will build your confidence about asking for money, saying the price that you want to charge and all of those pieces. 

[00:12:25] Let me go ahead and dove in a little bit more. I’ve definitely shared more than I had planned to share there, but I hope that if anything resonated with you, that you take the time. If you heard me ask the question or heard a thought that I said that you’re like, Oh, my goodness, I don’t think that way. Go back and think about how is that applicable to you and the services that you provide. So first thing I want to ask you to consider, especially where you are, depending on who’s listening to this right now and where you are in your journey. Maybe you are in the beginning you think that you have a skill that you want to monetize, right? So you want to start charging for your services. So you just heard me say numbers like 1500 18 hundred dollars and you were a little shook. 

[00:13:12] So you might be at the beginning of wanting to charge for services. So one of my friends, she had been providing a service for free. And I told her, I need you to start charging $75 for people to talk to you. Like you are giving away advice for free. People want to talk to you because you have knowledge that they want access to. And so she started charging $75 for her service and she’s now raised her rates to $150. Like, she just wants to make some extra money. And I shouldn’t even say she wants to make extra money because she wasn’t charging for it. But I wanted her to make extra money and I wanted her to be able to filter the people that are coming to her and wanting to talk to her. And so it was just about helping her see that you can actually monetize the skill that you have. And so if you are in this place where you think you have a skill that you want to monetize, I’m thinking about another client of mine who was wanting to do like marketing, social media. And so when we were working together on our five month partnership, I helped her think about how much she wanted to charge to be able to manage people’s marketing and social media from month to month. And so these are some of the questions that I’ve asked her and I’ve asked my friend to consider. 

[00:14:26] But first thing I want you to consider is what are your thoughts about charging for your services? So you may have thoughts about like, that’s too much money. People can’t afford it. Maybe you love the idea of being able to charge for your services, but just be able to stop and think about like, what are all my thoughts about charging for my services and ask like, Are they true? Then I also want you to ask like, what else could be true? So what if your services were the exact right price for the exact person that needs it? What if charging for your services allowed you to show up in the exact way that you need to show up for your clients? 

[00:15:09] The next question I want you to ask is Why is charging clients to work with you the best way to serve them? So this is just going to help you get really clear and get the gunk out of your head in terms of like what your thoughts are about charging for your services. And when you’re thinking about this and charging for your services, I want you to separate yourself out of like what you believe to be affordable. I had a coach one time that said, stay out of your client’s pockets because we all have it. All people have different thoughts about money. All people spend money on different things. That’s like there’s people that would spend money on a Chanel bag. I would never spend money on a Chanel bag. Not as of this date. October 14th is when I’m recording this. I wouldn’t spend money on a Chanel bag. It’s not something I value. Right? And so somebody else would spend money on a Chanel bag but stay out of people’s pockets because if you look around you, there are things that people value. There are things that people spend money on that maybe you wouldn’t spend money on or you don’t think is affordable. So separate yourself from what you believe to be affordable because there’s somebody else out there that believes that something else is affordable or they believe that being to be of that to be of value. So they’re willing to purchase it. 

[00:16:26] Also, when you’re thinking about making extra money, I want you to have an income plan. And so when I think about an income plan, I want you to know, like, what’s the purpose of money in my life? Like, why do I want this money? What am I using the money for? If I’d made more or I had extra money, what could be possible? Why do I want to make more money? What excites me about making more money? How would making more money help me impact and influence others? How much money do I desire to make this year? So just really start to define the purpose of money in your life. 

[00:17:01] And the reason I want to want you to do this when you’re thinking about extra money, because this is going to be true for people that may be thinking about charging for their services and those people that like you’re not living off of maybe the extra money, maybe you do speaking engagements, but you still have your 9 to 5 job or you kind of have like a side hustle and you still have your 9 to 5 job, but like the extra money just turns out to be your play money. I still want you to have an income plan. Why? Because you could be making this extra money, but not giving it any purpose in your life. And you could be making more. Right. So you’re under earning, but you haven’t even thought about yourself under earning because it’s not something that’s crossed your mind. And I think that this is true for a lot of people because it’s just like, oh, I’m making some extra money and just a little bit of petty cash over to the side. And those things are good, but I still want you to be in control, and I want you to know what money is coming in, how you’re making that money, what’s possible, what excites you. Like I want you to know all of those things, even if you’ve never changed your prices. But there’s power in sitting down and knowing that you are in charge of that and that you are not just donating your time or not giving your pricing any type of pause or time to investigate. 

[00:18:15] I have a friend who was going to do a speaking engagement and the honorarium was like, I don’t know, $200. And I’m like, No, you’re not doing that. You’re not doing it. Because right now, when we look at your life and. What you said you were valuing and prioritizing at this time. Like you being over here in this space isn’t a good ROIC for you, not even in terms of the whole monetary gift. But like I want you to be able to think about why these people are asking you to come and speak. I want you to know the value of your own work, and I want you to know the value of your time. So that’s why I say, like have an income plan and be able to do some of this work for yourself because it’s going to build that that level of confidence for yourself. All right. So that kind of leads into the next person that I’m talking to here, where we have the person that’s trying to monetize their skills. 

[00:19:07] And then there is the person that you are currently charging for your services and you want to evaluate the return. So one of my clients, she does speaking engagements and oftentimes gets honorarium or whatever she always calls. I feel like she always calls them honorarium. That’s what I’m calling it, an honorary. But she’ll get this contract work usually for speaking on one of our coaching calls, she told me she was like, Keina, I want to celebrate and like also acknowledge this aha moment that I had, but I got $1,000 for a speaking engagement recently and when I like stop to think about it. The work that I had done, I was like driving, like thinking about driving to the engagement, thinking about the prep work, thinking about the delivery of it. Like it wasn’t worth my time to actually do this speaking engagement like it wasn’t.  And when I say worth the time, like really looking at the whole ROI, why like that thousand dollars wasn’t really $1,000. And she said, before working with you, I never would have thought I would just been excited. I was making $1,000. But when I was thinking about all these other pieces that went into me, showing up like the thousand dollars didn’t seem worth it. 

[00:20:23] And so I think that that is really true for a lot of us, that if we haven’t stopped to really think about like what’s the the value of our work, then we may be under charging. And so when I think about this space and you might be thinking like still going back to these thoughts about affordability, thinking about wanting people to have access, one of the reasons that I like prompt people to charge money that actually allows them to create the life that they desire to create is because when you are taking care of yourself financially, then you’re gonna be able to have time. And space to donate your time or your resources or your money in other spaces that you choose. It’s about being in control. So if you know my speaking rates are 5000, 10,000, 15, 20,000, whatever that looks like, that allows me to if you had a $20,000 speaking rate, I want to speak to ten different groups this year. That’s $200,000. But then I can go and donate my time to causes and community efforts that are important to me, because I know that my expenses are taken care of in every other way. Right. So it’s just being able to have that level of awareness and confidence and feel like you can be in control of how you’re bringing in money. 

[00:21:54] So if you are currently looking at what you’re charging for your services and you want to evaluate the return, there’s a couple of questions that I want you to consider as well. I want you to think about like, what are the last three services that you offer? And if you were in that other group where you’re like, I have, I’m not charging for my services yet. You can also do this too. But think about what were the last three services you offered? How much did you charge? Why? I want you to be honest. Like, did you set the rate or did they set the rate right? So like in the case of my clients where she’s doing a speaking engagement, she may or may not have set that rate. Think about did you ask what their budget was? So this can be one of two ways in terms of like how much did they charge? Think about did you set the rate or did they set the rate? And then why? 

[00:22:43] The next question is like, do you feel in control of your pricing? Why or why not? Now go back to those last three services that you offered and write down everything you did to deliver the last three services from maybe meeting from the purpose of the service to closing out on your delivery. If you’re not actually going and doing speaking engagements or doing something virtually like a workshop for someone, maybe you already have services established like maybe have a coaching business similar to mine. Think about the work that you’ve put in for your services, like what makes you the best at what you do? Maybe you’ve had ten years of experience already, or there’s different training and certifications, so you can think about those things. If you’re not thinking about, you’re like looking at there was no meeting for the purpose, right? But you’re probably doing things for your clients on the back end that they can’t see. So think about like what goes into the delivery of those services. 

[00:23:41] And then I want you to think about like for those services, what value did you provide and what value did your clients or the audience receive? So just like I was telling you about my client, when we’re talking about her budget, I can tell you like the value and she could probably tell you even more about the value that she received from working with me. I know one of my other clients that I told we talked about raising their rates. The client told me how one of their clients got married. I was like, Do you know the value of that? Like how many people would pay you and how much they would pay you if like marriage was the thing that they wanted, how much they would pay you if you said, like, I can guarantee you that you could get married or like this is one of the results you could create. So think about the value that your services offered and the value that you provided. 

[00:24:27] Then ask yourself, Do you feel like the price for each of these services, was it an over or an under charge in why? And would you like to continue to accept projects and or clients like this? When you think about your last three services and does your pricing reflect the amount of work that you’re doing and have you calculated the hidden costs? So when I’m talking about the hidden costs, I’m thinking about like if you’re preparing a presentation, there’s probably you going in and doing the slides or maybe you have to do some research, right? But like, what are you doing? That’s a hidden cost. And for some of you listening to this, I’m thinking about another client of mine who is really, really skilled as a designer, and she is able to see things that other people can’t and like. The value of the skill that she provides is incredible. We’ve been working on her seeing this value that she she provides, but just think like she has an innate skill like people are paying her because they do not like to do the mundane work that she does. But she also is able to see things from a different angle and a different lens. 

[00:25:37] So you can also think when you’re thinking about the value that you provide, like what is it that you’re able to do basically in your sleep that the people that you’re offering your service to can’t do? Right, because there’s there’s a reason that people hire you. You make the information easier for them to receive if you’re doing. I keep leaning on speaking engagements because I am thinking of my clients that definitely do presentations in terms of like they’re charging for their services. And I’m like, There’s expertise that you’ve had from your lived life experiences, and that’s what people are paying for. Right? Like there’s, there’s other things that may not be as black and white as you feel comfortable with. And those are the reasons that people are paying. 

[00:26:19] And the third group of people that I want to talk to is like you currently charge for your services and you want to align your prices with your business goals in an intentional way. So definitely thinking more so of the people who you’re not just doing this for extra income, this is your full time thing. You’re like me, you’re like all in. And you want to make sure that the money that you’re creating, you able to actually live off of it. When you think about your pricing, I had a client who she was charging hourly for her services, and what we did was we actually shifted from an hourly rate to a flat rate. And this is allowed her to like increase predictability in her cash flow. By increasing predictability and her cash flow, she was also able to think about like, if I wanted to create a minimum of $8,000 months, then I know exactly how many clients I would need to work with. 

[00:27:16] And so that was like really how we looked at being able to price in her business, the rate that she wanted to charge at the time, or the rate that I softly coerced to charge at the time, and being able to know that, like, okay, if I know that all of my clients are going to pay me 1200 dollars a month, then how many clients would I want to create each month? So I was able to help her, like I said, increase that predictability versus saying like I’m charging $75 an hour. And so some projects are 3 hours and projects are 4 hours, some are ten. But we just were able to package all of her services into a flat rate, and that allowed her to align her prices to a business goal in a very intentional way. 

[00:28:02] So if you are thinking about your pricing and thinking about like, where do I want to price myself, I want you to think about like how much money do you desire to create this year? And so if you know, the goal is I want to create $50,000 or $100,000, that is good to know that number, because it’s going to help you actually backwards plan for how much money you would want to create each month. Well, okay, if I know how much money I want to create each month and like what would that actually look like at my current pricing to do that? It’s the example that I gave you when I said I was charging $100 for 2 hours of for a coaching session. And my first goal wasn’t to create $100,000 year. But what I thought about, like if I wanted to create $100,000 is like, oh my goodness, going to take me so long to create $100,000, only charging $100. And so I got some other support in my pricing as well by working with the business coach. But it helped me see the numbers and very like black and white and what I wanted to do and what I needed to shift. And also assuming that if you are already charging for your services and you have some practice seeing these are you know, this is the value that I’m creating for my clients. Here’s the results that I create. 

[00:29:17] So you probably feel somewhat confident in charging for your prices, but now you’re trying to think about like, do I want to go to that next level? And so thinking, like I said, about how much do you desire to create this year? And then at this rate, how many people would you need to work with? And what I want you to consider is like, how do I want to earn this income? If you have as a solopreneur, if you have like multiple opportunities to make money, maybe you could do something in a group, maybe you could do 1 to 1. Maybe you do speaking engagements, just thinking about like, how do you want that? How do you want to generate that income? And then what would need to be true about your pricing to help you reach your annual financial goals or whatever your financial goal is? Like, what would need to be true about your pricing? Now I want you to consider like, what are your current beliefs about your pricing and are they true or what else could be true? Going back to I’ve asked this question, but it’s always really good for this group of people to ask this question as well. But like, what’s the value of the service that you provide and does the pricing reflect the amount of work that you’re doing? And have you calculated the hidden costs? 

[00:30:25] So you notice in this episode, I have not said you should be charging X amount. That’s not the goal. But the goal is I want you to feel confident. I want you to feel really clear. And I want you to be aware of the numbers that are allowing you to create money in your life if you’re in the group for your monetizing skills. I just want you to start creating some numbers in your life, right? I want you to see the value of what you provide. And start somewhere. You can be like me and start at $100. Right? But it’s like that first. Oh, my goodness. Somebody paid me for this. Get that excitement. 

[00:31:01] Then after you have already monetized your skills, go in and really look at like, okay, what’s the value of my work? Do I want to be more selective with who I work with or what I charge? And so it’s now being able to kind of look at that return on investment. You can pick and choose your best clients that you want to work with. What’s the repeat work that you want to be able to do? And so really owning your value at a different level and thinking about raising your rates and then the next group is like really thinking about your pricing in terms of like your overall cash flow, whether it’s predicting being able to have like income predictability or being able to look at your annual financial goal and knowing how you’re going to create that amount of money annually and being able to do that from a number sense, right? Like I need this many clients at $5,000, I want this many clients at $3,000. I want this many speaking engagements at $15,000. But it’s being able to kind of go through the progressions wherever you may be in the progressions, and not just looking at the technical, but also investigating your own mindset around pricing in your your business, your side hustle or just in your I want extra money life. 

[00:32:22] So I hope this episode was helpful and you were able to take away at least one thought, especially if you were in this space where you’re thinking about your pricing and really understanding that when it comes down to earning money, and especially when you’re earning that money by yourself, that you don’t have to be someone who under earns. And that pricing is also about looking at your mindset. It’s not just about the price that you charge. I will talk to you guys next week. Thanks for tuning in. 

[00:32:52] Thank you so much for listening to Money Files. If you’re ready to take the next step to reach your financial goals, head to www.wealthovernow.com/appointment and let’s get started. 

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