Every client comes to me with a different set of goals. Some are more traditional like wanting to save money, pay off debt, or purchase a home. However, the main thing that differentiates the experience they have with me as a financial coach versus attempting to do the work themselves is that I build a financial system they can trust.
During a coaching container, every single client says how much they love budgeting. Hard to imagine? That’s because you have never worked with me! A budget is a working tool that you can manipulate to meet your goals. It isn’t about restrictions or lists. Together we can create a budget plan that involves a system you can trust and allows you to live the life you have dreamed of. Do you want to experience stress-free budgeting? It’s time to make the move and apply to work with me. I can’t wait to help change how you feel about and manage money.
During this episode I want you to ask yourself…
[06:25] This week I want you to really think about what it would look like in your own life if you had this financial system that you can trust. How would you show up if you knew that there was money always available for the things that you need?
Tune in to this episode of Money Files to learn how building a financial plan you can trust will help you to love budgeting, reach your money goals, and manage your finances confidently.
Are you ready to start asking for help with your finances? Apply to work with me, and let’s start working towards your financial goals.
Transcript for “The Power of Creating A Financial System You Trust”
Hi and welcome to Money Files. I’m Keina Newell from Wealth Over Now. I work every day with professional women and solopreneurs to help them get out of financial overwhelming and shame so they can experience more flexibility and ease with their finances. Are you ready to gain confidence and learn to manage your finances intentionally? Tune in and grab financial tips that will help you master the way you think about and manage your finances.
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Money File. So I was thinking, this is one of my like shower podcasts. I call it a shower podcast because I’m always thinking about what I’m teaching clients, what my clients are experiencing. Recently, my clients are in a lot of different places. They have a lot of different challenges, if you will. Some of them are seven figure earners, some of them are six figure earners. Some of them just hit six figures. And so there’s a spread with where my clients are income wise and then there’s also a spread in terms of goals. When I think about your traditional money goals in terms of I want to save money or I want to pay off debt or I’m looking to buy a first home but in thinking about my clients, the one thing I was thinking about is what differentiates the experience they have with me working with a financial coach versus attempting to do this work on their own and from a coach perspective, one of the things that I notice with my clients is that they actually build a financial system they can trust.
So I’m going to say that again. My clients get the opportunity to build a financial system they can trust. My number one goal as a coach is literally to hear my clients say some variation of I love budgeting and if you’re listening to this and you’re like, I can’t imagine ever saying I love budgeting, it’s because you haven’t worked with me and you don’t know that it can work for you. But literally all of my clients at some point in our relationship talk about how they love looking at their budget, how they love budgeting and really what they’re saying is they have a financial system that they can trust and by creating a system that they can trust, they’re able to experience life in a way that feels good to them. Actually today I had a couple of coaching calls and one of my clients is actually a couple that I’m working with and they came to me because they wanted to pay off debt and they’re like, we make really good money as a couple and we feel like we should be able to pay off debt. We’ve actually paid off debt before and then we feel like a couple unexpected expenses got in the way and so now we feel like we’re back in debt.
So in their budget we’ve had to modify it a couple different times because if you have listened to my podcast, like a budget is this working tool, it is something that is flexible, it is something that you are able to manipulate. It is something that you can work because I want you to have a plan that works for you. So anyways, I was budgeting with this couple today and within, I don’t know, 10 to 15 minutes, we had actually reconciled the budget and the wife is smiling, she’s like, this feels so good. I was just thinking about the fact that what’s different about working with me is that you get to build this financial system that you can trust. You work way too hard, whether it’s a nine to five, whether you are a contractor, whether you are working for yourself, you work way too hard to not trust in how you spend your money. So one of the things that came up when I was budgeting with this particular couple that I’m working with is one, they have pets and so they have an automatic chewy subscription, which a lot of my clients have and the Chewy subscription was actually like, it was a couple hundred dollars because a lot of my other clients have Chewy subscriptions, I was like, that number looks off.
But then we actually went to the budget and the number was like maybe about $60 or $70 more than they normally spend butt here’s the thing, they had the money already allocated in their budget. They had more than enough. So even though the expense looked like more than it usually is, it didn’t throw anything off. They were able to easily manipulate their budget and account for it. So when you have a financial system that you can trust, you’re able to week in and week out be able to literally, you’re basically just going through and you’re checking off, okay, like, yep, I’ve accounted for this. Yep, I’ve accounted for that. Oh that was a little bit more than expected, but that’s okay and you have this different level of ownership when you’re able to actually think about the fact I have a system that allows me to spend money drama free. I have a system that allows me to trust how I manage my money. I have a system that allows me to smile when I think about how much money I’m spending or when I think about how much money that I’ve saved or when I think about how money I’ve paid off in debt.
So I’m really here to talk to you about, if you don’t have a financial system that you can trust, you need to work with me. I am not ashamed to tell you that you need to work with me because when you create this financial system that you can trust, it is going to shape how you manage money. Not just right now, but it’s going to shape how you manage money for the rest of your life. Where you are right now is probably the least amount of money that you will ever make. I don’t care where you are, if you’re in your forties, if you’re in your thirties, or if you’re in your twenties or your fifties, like it’s probably the least amount of money that you’re ever going to make. And so when you are able to build the skill of budgeting right now, like you are going to have a system that allows you to trust making more money and when you’re able to trust yourself with making more money, you’re going to make more money. So this week I want you to really think about what would it look like in your own life if you had this financial system that you can trust?
How would you show up if you knew that there was money always available for the things that you need? How would you show up if you knew that if an unexpected expense came you knew that you could cover that expense, even if it meant moving some things around? Like that’s the power of having a financial system that you can trust. So if you’re listening to my podcast, which I know a lot of you are and maybe you’ve been on the fence about working with me and you’re not really sure, you’re wondering like, will this work for me? I’m not sure, but what about Keina, how can I afford this? I am telling you right now you can’t afford to not work with me. I say that because once again, I look at people’s budgets all the time and I have people bringing in 6,000, 7,000, 8,000, 9,000, $15,000 after taxes but even though they’re bringing in these large sums of money, they’re still not experiencing the peace of mind that they desire because they don’t have a financial system that they can trust.
So in my five month coaching partnership, that’s literally what we work on creating is building this financial system that you can trust. We have 15 calls together, each call is 45 minutes and we are working on the granular pieces of your experience as it relates to money. I want to say like the granular pieces of your budget, but the budgeting is one aspect of it. There’s a document where we add up numbers and that makes sense but we’re also able to tackle your day-to-day dilemmas when it comes to managing your finances, whether you’re thinking about, okay, Keina, I want to figure out how to pay for coaching. We can put that in your budget, which I’ve done with clients before or if you’re trying to figure out how you’re going to save for a house or how are you going to save for a new car or how are you going to create a plan to pay off your debt in the next year? Or maybe you are really scared of being able to pay your taxes and that’s something that always feels like a dark cloud over you or maybe there’s a family dynamic where your parents have money but you’ve never felt really confident managing money on your own.
That’s just a couple of things that some of my clients have gone through and they’ve experienced. We get to play with those things for five months and we get to build a system that you can trust. We get to build financial trust with yourself. We get to build financial confidence. We get to build financial empowerment, literally week in and week out because we are paying attention to your behaviors. We’re paying attention to the way you think, we’re paying attention to the way you feel. And so we’re creating a system that is reflective of how you want to spend money. It’s reflective of how you want to feel about your finances. So this is my invitation. We are six months into the year, we’ve just hit month seven into the year and so if you’ve been on the fence about working with me, you’re like, Keina, I’m not really sure. Can you really help me with the things that you say you can help me with? The answer is, yes I can.
The only reason that you don’t have the help that you need is because you haven’t gone to my appointment link and you haven’t filled out the whole application. I know you, I know who you are and I know that they’re, I mean, people get on consults and they tell me all the time, I’ve been on your list for two years, or I filled out the application a couple of times, I wasn’t sure if I was ready. You may not ever feel ready. You just have to make the decision that you want to move forward. You’ve heard my client stories, you’ve heard the transformations that clients have had and the difference between you and them is that they made the decision to move forward. This may be one of the scariest things you’ve ever done in terms of investing in yourself, but I can guarantee you it is going to be the thing that pays off year after year because you decided to make a choice today. So give yourself the gift of creating a system that allows you to trust it and to believe in your financial decisions and to be the person in your family that no longer has to worry about finances.
Friend, I don’t want you up at 2:00 AM in the morning. I want you to be able to look at your numbers and feel really confident that you have a way forward and that where you are now, even if we don’t pay off all the debt in one session, I want you to be able to see the path forward. I want you to be able to see, oh my goodness, I saved five figures in five months. I saved five figures in eight months. I want you to have those types of accomplishments because I know the transformational shift it will create for you in your life. So like I said, if you are listening to my voice right now, this is your come to Jesus moment to say apply to work with me in my five month coaching partnership. There is an opportunity for everyone. And so don’t let your fear stand in the way. When you apply to work with me, you schedule a 60 minute consult and we literally talk all about you. We talk about the challenges you’re experiencing with your finances and what you want to achieve and then I paint the picture for you of like, what are the three things that we’re going to work on in the five months that we’re working together?
I can guarantee you we’re going to work on those three things and then we’re going to tackle some other things as well because the three things that you have in mind right now, you think they’re going to take a long time and we could really probably knock them out in one session. So thank you so much for tuning in and if you are listening to this on July 4th, I hope that you are enjoying time with friends and family. And if you’re not listening to it on July 4th, I still hope wherever you are in the world that you are having a fabulous day and I look forward to connecting with you on the other side of the screen, on a Zoom call when you apply to work with me. So if you want to apply to my five month partnership, go to www.wealthovernow.com/appointment and you can book a time there. My calendar is open for July and I will talk to you later.
Thank you so much for listening to Money Files. If you’re ready to take the next step to reach your financial goals, head to www.wealthovernow.com/appointment and let’s get started.