Making more money often seems like the solution to getting out of debt or being able to save consistently. You think that if you just made more that you would be able to fix the financial stress you feel from month to month.
Making more money is certainly a good thing but it doesn’t address the underlying issue of why you’re experiencing overwhelm, why you’re using your credit card to survive between pay periods, or why despite your best efforts you’re always tapping into your “savings” account.
This week on Money Files I’m sharing my client Lynae’s story. When Lynae and I started working together she wanted to stop feeling like she was living paycheck to paycheck despite making good money.
In this episode, Lynae candidly shares that when she first heard about my services,she wasn’t ready to start working together . In fact, she told herself that because she had multiple degrees, she should be able to get it together (I’m sure you can relate to feeling like you should be smart enough to figure out your finances on your own!) So she continued reading financial resources and trying financial apps to get it together.
No matter how much she read or how many apps she tried, she still couldn’t figure out how to pay off her credit card or save consistently.
Lynae finally figured out that the smartest thing she could do was seek out my support and then use that support in the exact way she needed to reach her goals.
Tune into her episode to learn more about…
- How Lynae managed to pay off $1400 of credit card debt within three months of working together
- How Lynae created her own pay dates to manage her 10 month pay cycle without the fear that she’d run out of money before her next paycheck
- Why Lynae now likes money dates so much that she has them twice (plus how this has helped her intentionally manage her finances)
- How Lynae uses extra income to pay off debt and plan ahead for future expenses so she’ll never have to go into debt again
- How having a money journal has support Lyane in monitoring her own success from week to week
- How knowing her numbers has helped Lynae shift her self talk about what she can or cannot afford (and made it possible for her to invest in her home and travel)
If you’ve felt like you shouldn’t have problems with your finances because you make enough money or you’re too educated to be making money mistakes, you’ll want to tune into Lynae’s story. She shares her own transformation of how she’s gone from feeling anxiety and guilt about her finances to learning how to celebrate her financial progress while still working towards bigger financial goals like paying off the remainder of her credit card debt within the next year.
Listen to Lynae’s Money Files Episode
Inside The Episode
If you follow any well known financial gurus you might think that you can’t save money until you’ve paid off all of your debt. Or that you can only save $1,000 before your debt is paid off but I want you to know it doesn’t have to be an either or approach.
This week I shared my client Lynae’s story in my Money Files series and today I want to share with you how I helped Lynae pay off $1400 of debt in less than three months while building her emergency fund because we used both/and approach. Her results alone show that it is possible to pay off debt and save money at the same time, you don’t have to have an either or approach. One of the things I value as a financial coach is focusing on helping my clients realize that their financial journey can be personal without needing an either or approach.
This is the exact approach I used with Lynae, in our partnership, so she could save consistently (without feeling the need to access her savings!), pay down her debt, and also feel confident that the financial shifts we were making would support both her financial goals and feel in alignment with her new spending habits.
As her financial coach, I want to share three takeaways from my work with Lynae that helped pay down her debt and build up her savings at the same time.
1. Learning to Plan Ahead
I had her start planning ahead for the expenses she knew would come up in three to six months from now, which helped her see how she could plan for the things she felt like were only loosely in her budget. It wasn’t enough to just have a birthday, travel, or holiday fund because I knew the idea of saving for these expenses was new. Learning how to plan ahead helped Lynae see how her spending might need to shift from one month to another because of an upcoming birthday dinner or an impromptu staycation with friends that was still one to two months away. Learning to plan ahead also helped Lynae prioritize how she wanted to use the extra income she earned to work towards paying down debt but also being able to use this money for a few unexpected home repairs we had to account for while working together.
2. Taking the Time to Reflect and Ask Hard Questions
Clients often question and fear their own ability to achieve results because they’ve tried time and time again to manage their finances but they haven’t been able to gain traction. As a part of Lynae’s financial journey – and to help her get over that fear – I asked her to start doing evaluations. The three questions she answers on a biweekly or monthly basis are (1) what worked? (2) what didn’t work and (3) what can I change?. This process allows Lynae to monitor her own progress and celebrate the wins. It has also allowed us to identify what’s working and how we can use what’s working to support her overall financial confidence.
3. Starting A Money Journal
One of my favorite things about working with Lynae is that she kept a money journal. This notebook has become the highlight of our calls because she monitored her progress from our first call. In her story, you’ll hear her share that she uses her money journal to write down next steps and prioritize coming financial dates (like her date to plan ahead for the next six months!). Lynae’s money journal is also one of the items she brings to her money dates to update her spending plan.
Planning ahead, reflecting, and starting a money journal were what allowed Lynae to have a both/and approach to saving while also paying off her debt. After listening to Lynae’s story, I hope you realize the power of financial coaching and recognize that it can help you work toward more than one goal at once. Coaching helped Lynae realize that managing your finances can be both simple and empowering when you decide to hire a financial coach.
If you’re ready to invite me to work alongside you so that you have the support you need to start saving money, paying down debt, and letting go of financial stress that keeps you up at night, schedule a call.
The Transcript
[00:00:00] Hello everyone. My name is Keina Newell. I’m a financial coach and I work with professional women and solopreneurs to create new possibilities with their money. If you are tuning in right now, you are joining me for money files. So welcome. Hello today, I’m joined by my client Lynae. She is going to tell you her entire financial journey over the last three months, Linda has made some incredible or had some incredible accomplishments.
[00:00:28] Since we started working together, she is no longer using her credit card from month to month to cover those expenses in between paydays she’s paid off over $1,400 in credit card debt, she’s been able to pay for what we would all consider emergency. In cash. And most importantly, she’s learned how to manage her finances in a way that’s in alignment with the things that she values and with her role.
[00:00:54] So tune in to also hear about how Lynae uses money dates to stay on track from week to week. Enjoy. Thank you for joining me for another episode of money files. I’m here with my client Lynae. Thank you for joining. Of course my question. Do you want to go ahead and introduce yourself?
So my name is Lynae.
[00:01:15] I’m 35, I’m from Chicago. And just so glad that keynote came into my life and has helped me out so much.
So Lynae and I have been working together. We started working together in June of this year. And so. Now I’m over here doing math. I’m like what? That’s been about three months that we’ve been working together, which is really cool and Linnea.
[00:01:41] And I actually know each other through a mutual friend, so I am even more grateful for her trusting me because I feel like we have. Friendship. That’s on the line through a mutual friend
[00:01:54] and yeah, that’s how I heard about what you do. And our mutual friend indefinitely recommended you. And I was like, I wasn’t ready at first. I wasn’t ready when I first heard about you, but you know, eventually I was like, okay, I need, I need some help here. I am. So tell us about that moment. You, you figured out you were ready and you really needed.
[00:02:16] So I had tried just different things. I was like, all right, girl, you went to grad school, you have an education, you could figure out your finances, you can get it together. And you know, I read some stuff and I did try some apps. I tried, I did try a service before. I just didn’t feel like it was very personal and just, it didn’t stick.
[00:02:38] And then I just got tired of being. The same cycle or rut, I guess you could say where I was like, I know I make good amount of money. And I met certain like things, like I was able to buy a house and do other things, but I was like, I still just wasn’t completely happy. And I didn’t feel like I was like, I guess reaching my full potential when it came to my finances.
[00:02:59] And I was like, all right, I think I’m ready. I need a coach and I’m ready to be coached. Tell us about this cycle or rut that you were in. Yeah. I just felt like I didn’t exactly know like where my money was going or like how to fully account for it. I always like made payments or things that I had have that were important.
[00:03:19] Like my mortgage and all that. Like, I, I got that down. I have that down, but I just wasn’t, I didn’t have enough money saved for what I had envisioned for myself at this age. I was thinking about like generational wealth and I’m like, all right. I don’t think I’m where I want to be. And I was kind of stuck in terms of like, what else should I be doing besides making more money or like putting it where I think it should go.
[00:03:43] So I just, I just wanted more help on that. And yeah, like I said, making sure I knew where all my money was going and how to account for it in a better way.
What I was doing, one of the things that Linda and I were, we were talking about before we hopped on the call was that I went back to look at your client profile, which is something that all my clients fill out before we have our first call.
[00:04:08] And one of the things that she shared was that she uses a spreadsheet twice a month. She was paying her bills. So like all of her bills were paid on time and then whatever money she had left, she. Put it into a spending app. And then when her money ran low, she would just go and use her credit card. So tell us about that system that you had for yourself.
[00:04:30] Well, now I know that I just literally just tracked my expenses
[00:04:37] neither important. Let me make sure I haven’t. To pay all these important bills every month. And then the rest, I just looked at it as like spending money, like, oh, you want to book a fry? I got money in my account. Let me focus. Right. And then some home repair would come up and I’d be like, Ooh, okay, let me, let me put this on my credit card.
[00:04:56] And then I’ll figure it out. Oh, I get my next paycheck. So it was that I think that was a cycle of like, I knew, I think I had like the luxury of like, I’ll figure it out. I’ll figure it out. But that’s like the extent of it. I wasn’t making, or like reaching those goals or like I was saying not long-term savings.
[00:05:14] So for me, it was also doing that though. Also, like did give me a little bit of anxiety and also guilt because I was like, I know I’m making math and I’m just not managing it. Well, It was what I was doing and I kept doing, and I think that’s when I finally decided like, okay, I don’t want to keep doing this.
[00:05:33] So it’s time. It’s time. I see Keina. So what I wanted to ask you about in terms of your system, how the system that you had, because I would say to some extent, everybody has a system, whether they are aware of it or unaware of it, or whether that system serves them or doesn’t serve them in reaching their financial goals, but in working together in the one month intensive.
[00:05:55] How did that shift how you saw your money?
I think the first of all, just like the spending plan was really eye-opening because I literally had to account for every single penny. And so it made me think of like what I value and prioritize. So in doing so. I really had to ask myself, okay. I say, I want to have these savings.
[00:06:22] Like, what am I doing to get there? And how am I prioritizing that when I’m looking or creating my spending plan with you? So I think, I think that was like the first big step that I had to really reflect them and see, and like a lot my money, but then also stick to it. And you know, when I wanted to. Do something, it’s not that I let the spending plan might hold me back.
[00:06:50] It just like a lot of B to C like, okay, these are your goals. Or like to check, like, these are the goals and is what you’re doing and alignment with the goals that you set for yourself that you said were a priority for yourself. So I think that was really. Really important and it’s helped me like stay true to like my spending curve, not to say it was like one and done.
[00:07:12] Right. Cause I’ve been adjusting it. And then I’m like, oh, I have prioritized. Or I paid off some things and now I have this money and I’m, and I’m changing my spending plan to fit again, like my goals and my values. So I think that’s been very important and helpful for me.
I know a lot of people that before.
[00:07:32] They start working with me. I think their fear is that I’m going to tell them that they can’t do certain things, or if they’re going to have to cut everything out, like the thought of budgeting sounds very restrictive. And when just hearing you talk about, like, when I’m thinking about my plan, I mean, even thinking about the spending plan, I had to check it against my goals and really think about what did I value?
[00:07:55] What are my, where is it? Or is it not in alignment, but I would love for you just to talk a little bit about. I guess, like, what are some things that like having a spending plan, what has it created for you that maybe you thought. You would never be able to do, because you were quote unquote on a budget.
[00:08:13] How are you still having fun while being on a spending plan or in what ways has like having a spending plan not felt as restrictive as you thought it was going to.
A good example is just being an educator and getting paid. You know, at the beginning of the summer, this one large, it’s not like large lump sum.
[00:08:33] I think when a, you and I created that spending plan and, and had a plan for the summer, I think what I had in mind every summer, I’ve always like, oh, I have all this money and then come the end of the summer. I’m like, Ooh, like, oh. And when we created the spending plan, I was able to still have fun throughout the whole summer.
[00:08:51] And at the end of the summer, I didn’t feel like all this pressure, like I’m I going to make it to my auntie, my first paycheck of the school year. But it allowed for me to practice like self-discipline, but not, not in a way where I felt like I was limiting myself. So we still created, you know, like I still had an eating out, but I still had an entertainment budget.
[00:09:12] I still had a vacation budget, which was really well, but it allowed for like little lake house getaways. So I still felt like I was doing the little things that I enjoyed, but also still on my way. And in my spending plan, still meeting my goals that I wanted. So I guess in a sense, it just helped me find balance.
[00:09:33] And so I didn’t feel, yeah, I didn’t feel limited, but that, that was actually a really good example and like just like affirming that I can’t have fun and I could make my mind. Last the whole summer and still do things that I want to do.
Yeah. I know. Just thinking about like that, getting that large lump sum, like you, a lot of different people, you may get paid in various ways, whether it’s you have fluctuating income each month or you get paid once a month or whatever it may be, but how did you manage having that large sum of money and really being able to know that you were okay from.
[00:10:12] June until the beginning of September.
Yeah. So I think first was yeah, creating the spending plan and then just replicating what would have happened. We were throughout the school year. So putting that large sum, putting it into a savings account and then I paid myself, like I normally would have, so I would have received two payments a month and then.
[00:10:35] You know, pay to myself twice a month. And that way I was still able to keep in mind with my budget that we’d created. And that helped me see. Also where my money was going and like what to look forward to like, okay, I’m going to get, you know, it’s payday still. And it wasn’t like it’s payday once at the beginning of the summer, I got to feel a lot of payday moments throughout the summer.
[00:10:58] So, yeah. And that’s something I definitely plan to continue to do each summer moving forward. So that, that was helpful. I think also when we. When I would receive additional funds. I think that was another thing that was helpful. We talked a lot about like where that this money to go. And I did have additional from Spain, from like my summer job or, or other other side jobs that I did that allowed me to, okay.
[00:11:23] I can put a little bit for some fund money and then the rest put it somewhere else. So that was also helpful.
And you did a phenomenal job of just being able to bring in extra income for your. But also knowing where that income was going. And I know we like started a list within your, within your spreadsheet to say, like, what are the things that you want to want to prioritize this summer that, you know, are coming up for you?
[00:11:48] Like, I know paying off debt is like still one of your top priorities, but how was that? Just like walk us through that process of even just like, how do you manage knowing where your extra income is going and then actually seeing. Benefit you versus like, oh yeah, I got an extra thousand dollars, but I don’t know where.
[00:12:08] Yeah, I think the biggest thing is like, I’m a really big stickler, like for my twice weekly money dates, like, I don’t care what I’m doing or what comes up, like having a money day on Tuesday and on Friday, this is what’s happening. Sometimes it’s at 7:00 AM before I go to work, sometimes it’s for the evening, but when it happened.
[00:12:27] And so I think that frequency really works out for me that Friday is just like I do it Friday. I know what I got for the weekend. What kind of money are. And then on Tuesday, it’s just like, all right, what did the weekend take me? What, where am I at? So those two days definitely worked for me, but it’s also allowed me to constantly, like, if something does come up, I go to my spreadsheet and I fill it out.
[00:12:48] Like, I think there was like some furniture that I wanted. Okay, let me add it. How much does that cost? And because I do it so regularly, I’m always just adding and updating that sheet. And then I’m also reevaluating, like, okay, is this really what I want right now? Versus it being like an impulse buy, like I got money in my account.
[00:13:05] So that I just, it’s just literally, it’s just a list and then I’ll move things up and down a list, like a list of 10. And sometimes things take priority. Like when I needed a home repair, because summer is the site that jumps to the top. But, yeah, it’s just, it’s a, it’s a nice tool, but like I said, I think what’s really helpful is my money date.
[00:13:29] So everything’s like, like you always say at the beginning of our calls, like what’s top of mind. And that’s just a thing that I always ask myself too, like, all right. What’s top of mine on my list. Like what what do I need and not feeling bad. Right. Not feeling like I need to do everything or, oh, I didn’t get this this month.
[00:13:46] I am like, okay. With it, like, I know it’s gonna come down the line. Or like I said, Bump things up on my list. If, if they become a bigger and bigger.
As you’re talking, I was thinking about the fact and I can see you so I can see these hand movements that you’re making and your money dates. But Lynae also comes to every one of our calls with like a little money journal notebook, which I encourage people to do.
[00:14:09] And some people listen to me and they don’t. But how has that even supported you in, in this journey?
Like having a solid, like, this is your money journal. I don’t even know if you call it a money journal. I do. I do. It’s pretty hard. And it’s also. Kiwis cause you know, green money, I call it my finance journal and I put the date of when I started it.
[00:14:35] It’s it’s won. It’s been very helpful just to see my progress. I remember one of the things you first asked me in our calls was just like, where do you see yourself in six months? Where do you see yourself in a year? And like, you know, you gave me different dates to work off and it’s just been nice when.
[00:14:51] Open it up to like, you know, look at that first, but it also just has all my notes, things that we talk about my homework and it just lets me go back and forth on, on things. I put my reflection question because one of the things we did start doing was just reflecting and it’s just nice to go. I do this at least monthly, but I try to do it every time.
[00:15:11] You know, when I asked myself what went well, what didn’t go, well, what can I change? And if sometimes it’s just nice to go back and see like, where it’s come and how far calmer, all the changes I’ve done. But I really enjoy it. It’s just like a place where I put everything. I know where everything is and it kind of makes me proud of my financial journey so far.
[00:15:34] So. I love that you have it because I recently on Instagram was sharing with like in stories that. We’re usually looking for the big wins, like, oh, you paid off $10,000 worth of debt or you saved $5,000, whatever that looks like. And I think for my clients, the thing that I see first is that they start to have more confidence with their finances, even how they talk about them.
[00:16:02] Or there’s like more awareness. Even you talking about, like, you know, you’re knowing where your money is going into. I imagine that as you look through that notebook, you can see. A lot of different wins that maybe don’t add up to, Hey, I have $25,000 in the bank, but it does like how much progress can you see in even those evaluations that we started doing, where you’re able to name for yourself?
[00:16:26] What went well, maybe what didn’t work this week and what you want to shift as you think about the upcoming weeks. Yeah, no, I agree. And it’s also great for just like reminders. I have to do an October things I have to do annually, and I highlight that. So it sticks out. Those are good reminders. And it’s just like all in one place.
[00:16:44] What would you say is the biggest shifts you’ve had since we started working together?
I think it’s just like letting go of like shame. Like I know I mentioned earlier, like, I feel like, I felt like, well, as an educated woman, like, I felt like, oh, why don’t I have my finances together? And they think being proud of.
[00:17:05] Did have, or like what I started, but then also the being even more proud of like where I’m going and the action steps that I’m taking to get there. And that’s just like, you know, like you were saying, like even the small celebrations, I’m not where I want to be as far as like my percentage that I’m saving towards my, you know, 4 0 3 B, but I’m able to celebrate, I increased it.
[00:17:27] Right. What is it? 4%, you know, in the three months that we’ve been working. I feel good about it. Right. I don’t feel like, oh, I need to do this because of this goal, like, it’s a, it’s a goal that I was able to, it was an increase that I was able to make, but without having to like, limit my, my, my current budget or my spending plan, or like having to give something up in order to do this.
[00:17:51] So I think for sure. Yeah. It’s just like, not feeling like shame or guilt over like, not. Being 35 and not having figured it out yet when it comes to this, but then just also being proud of like, we’re kind of, and in terms of, I feel like sometimes I don’t talk about numbers when I’m talking to different clients.
[00:18:11] How much money have you paid off in debt? Over 1400. So what was it like a furniture credit card and another credit card. And then, so I feel like that’s just. It may not sound like a lot of money, but then it’s also like, while doing that, I also have an emergency fund and like a savings from that I haven’t had to touch.
[00:18:35] So like before I would, yeah. I would have a savings account and then, you know, I’d close it after however many months when I needed something. And I feel like this time around it’s like, I hopefully won’t need it anytime soon, but I just feel a lot more confident in it. Not only do I have an emergency fund.
[00:18:53] I also have a home repairs and auto maintenance and all these other things that I hopefully won’t have to dip into that. And like I said, even yeah, even paying for like repairs with cash and not having to put them on my credit card has been, has been. I just feel more at ease about my money. I feel like I’m not constantly worrying and like checking my bank account.
[00:19:18] Now I check it and I’m like, okay, it’s celebratory. I just know all these, like I’ve already anticipate all these charges. Right. Even like putting everything like on auto-pay I know it’s coming up and I know the money’s in my account and I’m good. Like, I’m good. So. Yeah, I definitely also, aside from letting go shipping goat, just feeling more, more at ease and confident about where my money’s going and the decisions I’ve made about my money.
[00:19:47] Definitely. And I want to reiterate that Lynn, a, you have not used your credit card since we started working together with. Let’s go back to the beginning of this conversation, which was I’m going to pay my bills, but whatever I have left in a spending account. And then when that gets low, I’m going to go to my credit card so I can cover.
[00:20:10] And because I feel like Lynette gave a qualifier, like I know fortunate to dollars doesn’t sound like a lot, but she has shifted so many habits in three. That they’re going to have like a compound effect and she’s able to pay off the debt. She’s not added to the. So we’ve been able to like fix the leaks and it was being able to like name where every single dollar was going.
[00:20:36] So that way she’s not having to put money on credit cards. So like what’s catching you off guard Lynn, a let’s figure that out so we can start saving for it. And then on top of that, Portland, I mean, she experienced all adulting. Cause this summer it was like, oh, guess what? AC, I’m just really tired. And I kind of just want to give up right now or there was your dry.
[00:20:59] Yeah, my dryer that also was like, you know, I just, I just feel like this is the year that I got stop working, but she paid for all of that stuff with money that she had been saving while we were working together. And so I just like, I, I felt good having those conversations with you, even though we don’t all like the adulting purchases that we have to make.
[00:21:21] Yeah. But I think also too, Now knowing, right. And as creating a spending plan and me adjusting it and all of that, this also like motivated me, you know, like I have a side, a side hustle, right. A side job that I wanted to make, like, or I want to make still until to my full-time job. So this is also like pushed me, like what?
[00:21:47] Okay. I gotta make more money. And this just encouraged me to see like what I want. What I want for myself and really pushed me to, to pursue, pursue that, that side job and make it and what to do to make it a full-time and how to prepare. We talked about my, my savings and how many, how many months I should have.
[00:22:09] So I feel comfortable appearing. So that’s also been, been important in something. That not having to worry about like where my money is going right now, because we’ve, we have a plan has allowed me to dedicate more time and energy to my, to my business venture. Has this process allowed you to show up differently in any other areas of your life?
[00:22:29] So you just said like, you are able to lean in more into thinking about. How can I develop my side hustle into a full-time role, but has it shifted anything else for you?
Yeah, I think honestly, like it’s just like that less anxiety that peace of mind, like before I felt like I was always just worrying about.
[00:22:47] My money and now it’s just like, I’m just not investing that, that type of energy. And when I go out, I’m not thinking like, okay, I can only spend it this amount of money, or can I go out this weekend or not? Like before I feel like it, it caused like anxiety and now it’s like, okay, I have, I could, you know, I can say yes or no to these amount of things.
[00:23:09] And it’s just, I don’t know how to specifically state that, but like before it would be. Trying to figure out how to do this. And now it’s like, I already have, I already know, like whatever, I mean, you know, your numbers. Yeah. Yeah. Which sounds like very simple. Yes, it does. It does. But yeah, so like that type of like thinking, or like, self-talk like, I don’t have to do anymore.
[00:23:34] Cause like I just know. And I don’t have to question it. And before it was, it was a little more nerve wracking. Well, and before it’s like, if I spend a hundred dollars at happy hour, what bill am I not going to be able to pay? Right. Or I’m anticipating that next payday versus you could still decide to spend a hundred dollars at happy hour, but you would know.
[00:23:58] Oh, okay. But this is what I’m going to shift in that. Right. Yeah. I want to go out the rest of the month.
[00:24:11] You want a ball right now? You want to wait for another week or whatever that may be, but I think that’s, it’s like you haven’t, you have a different line of sight for your numbers. I wanted to circle back to your side hustle because the other thing. That we talked about was we kinda got into some money mindset there, just even with your side hustle, a fringe benefit.
[00:24:34] Of us being able to work together was like, oh, how much are you charging for your services? And you desire to leave your job? What does that actually look like? So we got to actually even dive into some more of the business finance stuff and to really talk about charging in a way that allows you to be in alignment with the value that you bring for the services that.
[00:24:58] Present to different school districts. How did that feel?
Well, honestly, when you, when you were like, oh, you’re just so like, reassuring about it. Like when I told you about it, you’re like, oh, okay. So how many, how many, how many emails do you have to do a month to, you know, to cover what you make now? And I was like, oh, I hadn’t even thought of it that way.
[00:25:18] I was just thinking like, how many can I just get? So even thinking about like, strategically like that and. Would it know how many I need, because you know, my rate berries and then just thinking through like what I should be charging. And like you said, in alignment with my worth and yeah, my time and what I’m offering.
[00:25:43] Thinking through that and being decisive about that and then putting it out there into the world and be like, this is my price. And then it being received and like, yes, we’re going to pay you that I wouldn’t have. I think I definitely would have just still kept like freaking out about it or thinking like, okay, well, can I do this?
[00:26:04] Can I not? And now I feel like I have a number that I’m working towards and a number that I can track and. And like you said, a mind mindset change, but a really good one. And like I say this, and I mean, it very sincerely that I think when you get your finances together, you welcome more money into your life.
[00:26:25] Whether that’s being put in a position to see like, oh, I want to earn more money. So you started looking for more jobs or you feel more confident having that conversation where you want to negotiate your salary because you know exactly. How that money is going to serve you. And I feel like that’s kind of the level in which, you know, we talked about it and I think you’re like, okay, Kena, we’ll try this number, but then like you put it out into the world.
[00:26:53] And I feel like since you’ve put it out into the world, I know the first time you put it out, you were still looking at me like, well, maybe. Maybe we should go back to the old price, but you leaned in and you held that belief for yourself. And so now I’m just really excited that you’re going to have even more income.
[00:27:10] That’s going to allow you to reach your goal. But in addition to having the income, you’re going to know exactly how to manage. To reach your financial goals and what you’re working towards.
Yeah, no for sure. Cause I remember I was like, well, I’d put it out there and I haven’t heard back from them now, you know, now I have a lot flying and so I totally agree with, with that, that, yeah, once you put out 30 to welcome more money, I mean, I feel like I felt that and these last couple of weeks, actually more, it’s just been more than I normally had as far as like my services.
[00:27:44] Alyssa. So I’m definitely very thankful and I feel like confident too. It’s just like, I know what money I’m bringing in now, right now with this new price. And we’ve talked about like planning ahead and planning ahead our expenses and October’s here and that’s the next time I have to do this exercise.
[00:28:02] I’m ready, but it’s like, I can do this exercise, but also with keeping in mind this additional income I know I’m going to be receiving. And so. I feel like it’s created a lot of freedom also. Like, all right, I get to plan ahead and see what’s coming up in my calendar, but I also have this about, and I just get to, you know, play with it.
[00:28:25] You’re going to pay off a lot of debt. I’m excited. I feel like you’re going to be out of debt sooner rather than later. What advice would you give to listeners who are in a similar situation?
Well, one work with Kenya.
[00:28:39] It’s very much worth it. And I mean, the biggest thing I would, I would really say is set ups and money dates with yourself. Just set up that time, at least one hour. Like I said, I do it. Twice a week, but allow yourself and like really commit to yourself. I schedule it literally like it’s an appointment, like a doctor’s appointment.
[00:29:01] Like, I mean, I might have to change the time that day, but like it’s happening or maybe you go to the gym religiously and like, you look at that, like it’s an appointment. Like, look, look at like, it’s so important and it’s so helpful. And. The frequency of it matters. So like I said, I recommend at least once a week, I like at least once a week, because a lot can happen or a lot can change.
[00:29:22] And if you do it longer than that, so that’s definitely one it’s just so important. I’ve seen the benefits and yeah, I just place a lot of value in that. And. Other thing is I think I would say just like, I know we’ve said it earlier, just like lean, lean end. Like once you identified what’s important or what your goal is or what your value is.
[00:29:47] Lean into that plan that you come up with and you’ll see results just like that. Well, is there anything that I should’ve asked you, but I didn’t. Well, thank you so much something else that you were just talking about money date. So I will make sure that I link. I have a free download for anyone who wants to get started with money.
[00:30:12] And takes you through a process. So that, that way you can start looking at your finances. I would agree wholeheartedly with Lynae. Like I always joke that your bank accounts love language is quality time when you give it that quality time. And you’re actually making sure that, you know, what’s going on.
[00:30:30] Then you’ll actually be able to reach those goals that you set for yourself.
Oh, I do have one more thing. I forgot because I know I was struggling with my spending plan efforts. Like I could not get it. You had to give me some more TLC because not. So when they was looking at me, like I was crazy, like, can you explain that again?
[00:30:54] I couldn’t figure it out, but like once I did, I’ve been running with it. So definitely don’t, don’t give up, keep trying, you’ll figure it out. But yeah, it wasn’t a struggle for me at first, just trying to understand.
What do you think was the biggest struggle?
I think that just like, didn’t trust it. And I was like, but how, if we’re putting this, this, like, I think I was so used to before, like I knew where I’m out.
[00:31:22] I had in my account, I knew what was coming in and it just had to pay like payments. And I was just like, how is this? Like splitting all my costs into my paychecks and like leaving it. Like I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. And then it was also moving away. From the number that I see in my bank account when I open it, versus like the numbers that I see on my spending plan.
[00:31:45] Just that transition because I’m like, well, I don’t think I have enough or I do have enough. I just like, I didn’t trust that part. I just have to trust these are the numbers I’m looking at. Not that whole numbers. When I opened my, you know, my chase app.
No, I’m so glad that you said that. Cause I was talking to one of my other clients Lordis and we were, she was like, Keno.
[00:32:12] What do you think was like one of my biggest challenges? And I was like, it was the trust factor of the spending. I said, I felt like I was like trying to bring you out onto a pond that was frozen. Like, look, we can go ice skating on this pond. I promise like you won’t fall in. And she was looking at me like, Nope, this ain’t gonna work.
[00:32:30] And so. I always tell people like you’re going to feel probably like you’re standing in front of a fire hydrant, but I promise I have like a towel here for you to dry you off. Like, you’ve been asking me any questions in between calls or whatever it is, but at the end of the day, my number one goal is for you to feel comfortable with the plan that we put into.
[00:32:49] Feeling like, you know how to work the plan. And there is some level of trust that you have to give yourself and give the process because it’s very different. If you’ve been someone who leans into bank account budgeting, and you look at your bank account and you say, I got $500, I can buy a $300 plane ticket because I get paid.
[00:33:09] So that’s exactly what I used to do. I got some money
[00:33:16] and then something else that just came to mind when you said that you didn’t it bring out, I was listening to one of your other money. Frogs. I forget who it was. Sorry. But they mentioned how I think they refer to their budget before, like they buy something or like when they walk into a store or something and it wasn’t.
[00:33:33] So I heard that, that I realized like I do that too. I was like, but it’s such a small change. Right? It’s a small shift. I would literally pull up like, Hey, I’m getting groceries. Like you spent a lot. There’s how much you have left, like thinking about what you actually need or any other, any other. Clothing, but I guess I didn’t realize I did that, but I never saw that as like a negative thing.
[00:33:56] I’m in control or I can like make a good decision that I’m not going to feel guilty about later or be anxious about because like, oh great. Now you spent this and now you don’t have money for this. So it was definitely a small change that I realized I was doing, but it was that. And the feeling like the good feelings that come after that were also, I noticed an important, and so that sparked it when I was listening to one of your other ones.
[00:34:20] No, that’s awesome. That’s that is like my number one goal for anyone who works with me, then we use our spending plan is the tool to make intentional decisions about how we spend money, because that’s the game changer and the very thing that’s going to help you do more with your money. It’s not even always, it’s not about earning more money.
[00:34:40] People think. Well, if I just made more money than I wouldn’t have this issue, and I can imagine that you probably make more money at 35 than you did at 25, but you still have the same struggle. And it’s, it’s the habits that we have to fix. It’s not the amount of money that you make because whatever you have it, you have at $30,000, you will have it 300.
[00:35:04] Yeah, I’ve been groundbreaking those habits before I get this extra money. Yes, we were going to get you more money. It’s going to be great. So now that you can be entrusted with the little we can, we can welcome more.
Thank you. Thank you.
Well, thank you so much for hopping on and having a conversation with me, being willing to share your story, which I will also say any of these money foul series that you listened to.
[00:35:29] I’m pretty sure that a hundred percent of my clients check to know you may not share my story or no, or yes, you can share my story, but anonymously and for them to actually talk to me so you can hear their transformation. I’m always just so excited because the feedback that I’ve received from a number of people listening, it’s like that, oh, like that’s me too.
[00:35:53] You know? And people don’t feel alone. So thank you. A million times over for sharing your story. All right. Bye. Bye. Have a good bank. I just love it. That you made it to the end of this episode of money files. I hope some part of today’s story resonated with you and showed you the power of coaching today.
[00:36:17] I’m inviting you to take the first step and book a one-to-one call with me. We’ll discuss. What you’re hoping to achieve with your money, where you need support and how I can help you reach your financial goals faster than you ever could alone. Go to and book a call once again, my name is Keena and thank you again for joining me.
[00:36:39] Also stay tuned for the next episode.