It is possible... 

Money Files

I created this Money Files series to give you the opportunity to join me in a money conversation that is different than any you’ve ever heard before. 

Instead of listening to me talk about how I work with clients, I decided to create a series of candid conversations with my clients so you can hear my clients celebrate their accomplishments and share the power of coaching. Over several episodes, I will share the conversations I’ve had with my clients about how their relationship with money has changed - and what new possibilities we created through our work together.

to change your relationship with money and rewrite your money story. 
to get control of your emotional spending. 
to consistently save for emergencies while also paying down debt.
to leave behind a life of stress and overwhelm when you think about managing your finances.

Unleash your earning potential! Learn how to create a six-figure mindset by breaking through limiting beliefs, setting ambitious goals, and finding your dream salary number. Stop underearning and start fighting for the salary you deserve.

How to Build a 6-Figure Mindset

You aren’t earning more because you aren’t asking for more. Break free from mindset blocks, confront fears, and get the salary you deserve. Let’s make 2024 the year of maximizing earning potential!

Three Shifts You Need To Stop Underearning 

Transform your finances without restriction. Learn how intentional budgeting and mindful spending will shift your financial taste buds and improve your relationship with money.

Shifting Your Financial Taste Buds: The Power of Intentional Spending

Reflect on your financial progress in the first 90 days of 2024! Join me in this week’s Financial Spring Cleaning episode as we celebrate achievements, course-correct, and set intentions for future success.

Financial Spring Cleaning: 90-Day Reflection of Q1 Money Habits & Goals

Spending habits change with the seasons. Learn to create a 90-day budget plan, anticipate expenses, and make informed choices for stress-free vacation spending.

Financial Spring Cleaning: Planning Your Vacation Budget for the Next 90 Days

Unlock the key to homeownership in 2024! Discover five essential financial steps to take before buying a house. From mindset shifts to financing options, this episode is your guide to making homeownership a reality.

5 Smart Financial Moves to Make Home Buying Easier

Ready to break free from the debt cycle? Learn strategic ways to leverage your tax refund for lasting financial success in 2024. No more temporary fixes – Tune in now for actionable steps and a fresh perspective on managing your money.

Financial Spring Cleaning: 4 Things You Should Do With Your Tax Refund

Escape the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle! If the looming government shutdown or missing a paycheck causes financial fear, it’s time to make a change. Let’s break free from financial anxiety by creating a money plan that supports your lifestyle.

Why You Shouldn’t Depend on Payday

Discover the lasting impact of financial coaching! My former client Jeanine shares inspiring stories of managing finances post-coaching. Listen to learn how lasting changes lead to homeownership, debt payoff, and a resilient money mindset.

Three Years Later With Jeanine: What Does Life Look Like After Financial Coaching

Say goodbye to fake math in 2024! Uncover the budget-killing pitfalls of inaccurate estimates. Learn how using real numbers ensures drama-free spending and helps you reach your financial goals.

How Fake Math Is Killing Your Budget

Join the Wealth Over Now private Facebook community

This community is here to encourage and support you in having open and honest conversations about money so you can stop spinning your wheels and finally gain clarity and confidence with your finances.  

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